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'" A Gii cumcifon intlituted. GENES IS XVII. my covenant which yce (hall keepe , be- tweene me and you, and thy feed after thee: that every male among you be circumcifed. r 1 And ye (hall circumcise the flefh of your fu- perfluous foreskin : and it flail be fora liigne 12 of the covenant betweene me and you.And a tonne of eight dayes,flfall be circumcifed among you ; every male , in your generati- ons: the child of the .houle , and hee that is bought with money,ofany Changers fonne, r3 which is not of thy feed. The child of thy houle, and he that is bought with thy mony (hall be circumcifed with circumcilon : and my covenant (hall bee in your flefl1, for an 14 everlafling covenant. Andthe uncircumci- fed male,whofe flefh of his fuperf rious fore - skinne (hall not bee circumcifed; that foule (hall even be cut -off, from his peoples: hee hath broken my covenant. 15 And God laid unto Abraham, Sarai thy wife thou (halt not call her name Sarai : but 16 Sarah (hall her name be. And I will blefle her, and will give thee a fonne alto of her : and I will blefl'c her,and (he Thal l be to nati- . r7 ons; Kings of peoples fliall bee of her. And Abraham fell upon his face , and laughed : and he Paid in his heart,(hall a child beborne to him that is an hundred yeeres old ! and (hall Sarah that is ninety yeeres old, beare e 18 And Abraham faydunto God: o that IC- I 9 mae1 might livebefore thee: And God laid, Indeed Sarah thy wife fhal l bear thee .a fon; and thou (halt call his name Ifaak : and I will eftablilh my covenant with him,for an ever - 20 (affirm covenant, to his feed after him. And for Ifmael,I have heard thee;behold I bleffe him and will make him fruitfull and will multiply him, in very much abundançe: twelve Princes (hall he beget;and I Will give 2/ him to he a great nation. But my covenant will I eilablifh with Ifaak : whom Sarah Thal beare unto thee,at this let time, in the yeere 22 next - after. And he made an end of fpeak- ing with him : and God went up from A- 23 braham. And Abraham woke Ifmael his Tonne, and all the children of his houle, and all that were bought With his money : every male, among the men of Abrahams houle : and he circumcifed the flesh of their fuper- fluousforeskin,in this felfefame day,as God 24 had fpnken with him. And Abraham was ninety and nine yeeres old ; when bee teas circumcifed in the flefh of his fuperfluous, 25 foreskin. And Ifmael his bonne the thirteen yeeres old, when he was circumcifed in the 26 flefh of his fuperfluous- foreskinne. In this 65 felfe fame day, wasAbraham circumcifed, and Ifmael his forme. And all the men of his houle, children ofthe houfe,and the bought with mony, ofthe ftrangers fon: they were circumcifed with him. vinnotations. 0143 Hebr. Cann of 99 yeeres : that is, going in hù 99 yeere: fee Gen.5.3 z. and the lati note of the former chapter. Almighty] or Alfuffici- ent: in Hebrew Sbad ai,that is,he who is,(or hath) fafficien y, or moil abundant , and able to gee through all things,both in mercy and judgement : to which the Scripture hath reference, when it faith, Shed (deflruilion) (hall come from Shaddai (the Almigh- ty: ) Efay 13.6. Walketheu] orwa/ke pleaftt16, as the Greeke tranflatiou implyeth: let the notes on Gen.5.22. The Chaldee tranflateth it Serve thou. This walking, comprehended' both true faith,Heb. t 1.5,6.and careful! obedience to Gods commandements. Wherefore that which is writ- ten, 1 King.8.25. to tea.'ke before me as ton bafl mal- ked before me, is expounded in z Chron. 6.6. to nrulke in my Law. And chis,in Luke I.6. is explai- ned to be all the commandements and ordinances of the Lord. perfU] or intyre,upright, and as the Greek faith, unblameable.See Gen.6.9. Verf.2.give] that is , difpofe and make my cove- nant (or to flamem :) fee Gen.9. t 2.and 6.18. betweetteme,] the Chaldee interpreteth it, between my Word: fo after in v.7.1 a,1 t.Secalfo Gen. 9.12. in very much abundance] Hebr. in abundance a- bundance ; or, vehemently vehemently: fo after in ver. 6.andoften. Verf3. fell] in reverence to Gods word and majefty, and in thankfulnefle for this mercy. See the like humiliation in Lev.9.24. Ezek.1.29. and 3.23. Dan.8,1 7. Verf 4.As for me] Hebr.l: the Grecke addeth, And L a father] or, )or a father; but the word for, may be omitted in Englilh,as the Greeke here alfò Both ; and fometime the Hebrew it felfe:as,7 will be for a lying fpirit, Chrono 8.21. that is, I mid be a ying fpirie, 1 King.22.z2. The New Te(ta- ntent in Greeks often keepeth the Hebraifne, as Heb. t.5. &c. a multitude] that is, envoy na- tims, as Paul expoundeth it, Rom.4.16,17.where the Apoftle (heweth a twofold feed,that which is of the Law, and that which is of the Faith ofA- braham,who is the father of us all. So by the mul- titude ofnations, is meant betides his natural! pofie- rity, all Chriltian beleevers in the world, Ga1.3. 28,29.who (hould inherit from him,(as children receive inheritance from their fathers,)thejuitict that is by faith, and blelfedneflè accompanying the f'ame,throughthe covenant of grace,prcpaga- ted by Abrams do &rine and example:fee Rom.4 and Gal.3. To this the Hebrew Canons doe ac- cord : Afiranger (fty they)bringeth ftrfl fruits,ef'e. for it was faid to Abraham, a father of a multitude of natims, hove gìc thee to be, (Gen. z 7.5.) Behold he it father of all the world, which (ball be ga htred un- G3 der 27 z 3 4