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0/,/Ja11i!? I 1 VI I yUríl'/ , 3 i....+ 66 GENESIS XVII. der the wings, of the tYlajefy of God: Maimony in Mifn.treat.of fìrf jinitr,ebap.4.Sell 3. 5 VerC5. Abraham] Abram fignifieth A1th fa- ther : and the firft letter of Hamm (that is, a multi - tude) being put unto it, niaketh Abrabam, as if it wereAbrahaman, that is, A high .Father ofamedti- tude of nations : Abram is the firtt nsan in the world,whofe name is changed ofGod: and it fig - nificd a change ofeitare, and a renewing with in- creak ofgrace from God : therefore this is after mentioned, as one of his favours, Neh.9.7.So Ia- kobs name is made new, Gen.31.28. and all true Chrillians, Efa,62.2, Rev.2. s 7.But Ifaaks name was not changed,for it was given him ofGod be- fore his bitth,Gen.17.s9. given] thatis,freely made; or (as the Greeks interpreteth)put thee : and this the Apoftle followeth, Rom.4'. 17. So Gen.9.12. and after here in verf6, will jive thee to be nations, that is, Willmake nations ofthee. 6 Verf6.Kings]as David, Solomon, and the relt Of lfrael; belides the Kings of Edom, and other. Alto the faithful( Kings of the Gentiles, Revel, 21.24. 7 Verf.7. thy feed] thy children: efpecially Ifesh, verfe 19. for in Ifaak was his feed called,Gen.2 f. sa. So, the children of the left, , are not the ebildrmof God, but the children of thepromi a are counted fir the feed, Rom. 9. 8. everlafingf] Hebr. covenant of aterstity.Although the outward fignes,and manner ofdifpenfing this covenant, were temporary and changeable, (as Circumciftm into Baptif ne, Cols. s 1,1 2.)yet the covenant it feule remaincth one in fubtlance for ever : being (tablifhedby the blood ofChritt,the great Pallor, Iieh. i ;.20.Luke 5,69. 72,73. a God] Or jor a Gad unto thee, that is, thy God, as the Gree a tranflateth it. Herein confitt- eth the power and life of the everlalting cove- nant; wherby God himfelfe,his power,wifdome, ggoodneffe, mercy, &c. is applyed unto man, for Welling and falvation : and we are by adoption made the children of God, aCor.6.s6,18. For, Meld is the people, ',obeli God Iehavab is, Praia r 5.they (ball be delivered out of miferies, Rev, 25.3,4. railedup from the dead, Mat.a 2.35,3 2. and God hath prepared for them an heavenly Ci- tic, Heb.11.16. S VerC 8. of thy fajournings] that is, as the Great èxplaineth it,whicb thou fjettrnefi in.ForGod gave Abraham no inheritance init , no not fo much as tofet birfooton, A&s 7.5. but he by faith, fojonrnedin the land promifi, as in a(range counts , Heb.i 1.9. So this land , figured unto him the kingdome of heaven, as is (hewed on Gen.( 2.4. But the rebel- lious tonsof Abraham, aier they had full offef- fion of Canaan; are in another feule called [Omr- nerr there,,and i 1.15. as being rather ufurpers, then lawful!poffeffors of that land. everlaft ing] fo ih Efay he faith,thy people f(ht,all po f fife the landfor user, Elay 60.2 t .howbeit they poi- felled theearthly landd,lmt a little while, Efa.63, i 8. but theamnia inheritance , was to be received by Chritt, referved in the heavensfor them and us, Heb.9.15.1 Pet.1.4. Verf.9.rby feed]tfy eloildren,as before in v.7.mea- ning all the faithful!. Hereuponthe Hebrew bo (tors fay, Ciresemcifron wee commanded untoAbrabatn and bis feeding), a it it written, thou and thyfeed after thee, (Gen.17.9) be feed of Ifmael it excepted, ait it written, For in Ifaal, fhall lied be called to thee, (Gen.2 t .12.) And Efau is excepted, fir los, IfralL fail to Jakob, And be give to thee the bleffmg of A- braham, to thee and to thy feed (Gen.28.4,) It it age - mrall rule , that be met it Abrahams feed, shot retai- netb hie law aval his right way ; and chef are they (bat ought to be tircumcifid, Maintmy in Mifneh treat. of Kings, Ver Cs o,nsy covenant] that is,the frgne of my cove- nant (or refiament ) as isexplained in verte 1. Hereupon are thole ufrsall (perches , when fignes,and the things frgnified, are named alike : as,tbe covenant efcircmncifm, Alts 7.8. the Lambe, is the Lord, !leaver, Exod. 1 z. 11. the bread, is Chri(ts body, att.26.17,18, and many the like. eireumcifed] This word fignifyeth a cutting mend-about, to wert , of the foreskin of t hefleet'. So it was with (bedding of blood,and much pain and foreneffe to the flefh, Exod.4. a 5,26.Gen.34 25.1:t figured the circuntcifion(that is,the morti- fication) of the bears, and fpirit in purring of she bo- dy of the fames of the flefh, Dent ., o.i 6, Rom.2.29. Co1.2.11. and fo it was afeale of the rigbteoufnefe of faith, Rom.4.51. VerCs s . feperflnoue -f reshen] The Hebrew Gnor- i I lab, liignilieth a fuperfluiryand fcppage,that hinde- reth the due effe& and operation of a thing; and the GreekeAcrebafia (which the Apoli e ufeth in Rom.2.25.) is in ipeci,all that Repro fixity which ison the top of mans fleur, to west, on the mem- ber of generation : the foreskin that covereth the fecret part. WhichGod here commandeth to be cut quite off, as aligne of mortification and rege- neration of nature. The fame word is applyed figuratively to otherparts,as tothe lips ofa 11am- ttserer, which aie fuperfluity in fpeaking, Exo.6. 3o. and to the heart covered with a fat skin,Lev. z 6.41.Efa.6. i the ears lopped that it cannot heare, Ier,6.1 o.And fpiritually, all fine is figni- fied by this fuperfluous foreskin ; as the Apoltle mesitioneth the fuperfteity of malicioufnef , to bee pit away, lam. 1.2 hand the mteircumeifeon of our &(b, is Joyner!' with our eflate. dead in firth!, Col. 2.13. The Hebrew Do &ors alio did thus under- land it : for thefarekm of the heart , in Ier,4.4 theChaldee paraphrall there expoundeth the nero- kedne of the heart;and inDeut,10. 5 6,the Greek interpreters eradiate it beardnej ofheart.The art. circumeifed ears in ler.6. 50. and heart, it Lev.26. 41. the Chafdee talleth foolifb; and uncirnemeifed perlons in Ezekiel 28.1o. and 35.58. are in the Chaldee, wicked end fnrers: thefuperfnom foreshfn, frggnifieththe frengtbof'uneleannefi: faith R. Mena - ehem, on Gent 7. And infpeech of Adams finne, the Iewes have a proverb,that the f rf man(Adans) drew over (or gathered) bit fuperfuouo fireskin, that is , broke the covenant of his God , and became a (inner, R. Menachem on Gen.3. Alto when the word is applyedunto freer, itfignifieth the impuri- tie of the frnits,evhich might not be eaten of,Leht. 19.23, "TO /iiiiiHi01Mnni11i1W_... 1