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e f2 GENESIS XVII. 19.23.and the Hebrew DoEtors write, that is ï5- of the flefh, by the circumcifion of Chrilt, being buried with hint in Baptifine, Co1.2. t t, 12.R. Menachem on,Circumcifion was thnti fare done on the eighth day , that the Sabbath might pall over it : for there it no eighth day wither's a Sabbath. (hall be circuniet éd] by the parents, maflers,or Magi(irates. The Hebrew Do/tors fay, the charge lyeth upon the father todretmtcif histonne: mrdxpon the mater; to cirri/mcife bit frvents, borne in the boufe, or bought with money. If the father or ma er tranfgreff and circumeife them not, &c. tlïen the bud- ges are commanded to cireumcifi him , whether it be fn orfervant, in thee time, that there be nomeireumcifzd left in Ifrael, nor among their firvants. If the thing bee bidehnfvm the lodges and they circumcife'him not : When he is wexen great , be is bound to oireumciig him, felfe. And every day that pafëth ever him, after be it ttiexengreat , and be circumeifith not bimfc lot ore bred th tlie'eommandement : Maimony treat. of Cir- cumei .ch. i.Seff. t,2. male] who had by nature that föreskln of the flefh to be cut off: the females wanting it,were not to keepthis rite,though they were as well is men,within the covenant of grace in Chrift, Gal.3.uS, and therefore baptifine the figne of the covenant now uibler the Gofpell, (which is come in place of Circumcifion, CoI.2. t t,t 2.) is given both to men and women At t.8. i a. Moreover the woman is comprehended under the tnan,as her head, s Cor.t 1.3. yeti() finely had this figne its his flefh,with effufion of blood,which al- wales had refpe& unto , and accomplilbment in the blood of Ghent, figured by the male, Heb.9. 22,23,24. Here-aifo the Hebrcwes write ; that a child who it borne at if In were circumcifed (without a foreskin) the blood of the covenam muß be made to drop fvmbim, in the eighth day. A child that a both m.tle- and female , matt e f be cireumcifed the eighth day. Likewife if any be cutout of the. fide of bit mothers bo- dy. And who / bath two fore, kins , they cut them both (fin the 8 day,Maimony heat. or Circnm.c. t . S.7. child oftbe boufa that is, the home borne fervant : fee the notes on Gen. s 5.3. So after,in ver/: t 3. s3. day , as the tlirlt convenient time. For creatures bought with money ]` hlebr. purehafe of falver : new borne, were counted a's in their blood, and whereby all Money and price is meant. By this it unclean for revert dayes, & indie eighth day they appeareth,t fiat the Heathens alto might bepasta- might be offered untothe Lord, kers of Abrahams covenant, and of grace in fo in mankind, Levitt 2.2,3.The fame number of Clirilt,and fo ofallother bleffings in the Church: dayes was obferved in many other thitsgs ; as,for for every circeimcifed perfou, didalfo eate the the confecration of the Prielts, Levit.S.33.3'5. pàffeover, (which was another figtfreofChrilt, ) and 9.1. the clenfing of Lepers, Levit.t 4.8,9,10. Exo. t 2.48. t Cor.5.7. 0É this point the Hebrew and of perfons with unclean iffues, Lev. t 5.13.14. Canons lày,Whether afervent be borne under the power the chilling of polluted Nazarites, Num.6.9,to. ofan If/ache, or be relived fvm the heathens : the ma- and'for purifying the altar, Ezek.43.26,27.and f er it bound to eircnoeif Nth. But he that i, borne in the fundry the like. In all which, as the Sabbath day houf , it eiretlmif d on the 8 dry: an flu that is bought ever cane over their heads within that f pace, With money, it circuninfid in the day tb at he it recei- (which day was a figne of ian/tificatiosi fronftlíe ved ; although' he' receive him in the day that he is born, Lord,Exod.3 t.t 3.) fo Chrifl ending all figures, he itcircumcifid in that d.y. If he receive of the Ilea- and telling the Sabbath day in the grave, role up there a growne in yeeres , and the fervant be not from death,the eighth day(which was the fill of willitg'to be.eircumcifed : he death withbisii a Whole theweekefollowing)whofe death was a full cien- twelve moneto. Mere Then that , it is not lawful to /seep fing of all our finnes,and his rìfmg againe,our ju- him he being reneircunxifid; but be mitfl fell brim agahte kification,Mark t6.t,2,6.Rom4.0 .And inhim to the Heathens. And if he conditioned With him at the areavecircumcifed with the circunscifondone frf whiles be was' withhh'mafter. the Etbnik,tbathe without hands,inputting off thebody of the fins fhould net circun oft him: it it loofa to keepe him though pien,as, and they that deny theL.ea' ofGod) the Re- furreiiion of the dead, the comming of the Redeemer, and other fuch like; fo be that draroeth over, orgo- thereth bit fxperfbeosu tarok's (that is,maketh hina- felfe again uncircumcifed)hath no part in the world to come, (that is, in eternal! life) but full bee ait-off and per ifh, and be damned for their great wickelnrffi and fame, for ever and ever: MaimonyinMifio.treat. ofRepentanee,cb.3.S.6. afigne] or token ; which fheweth one thing to the eye,anotherthing to the mind. The Apoftle calleth it alto a fale, Ront.4. t t.which ferveth for affurance of the thing figni= fled. And fo the Hebrew Do&ors ufe the phrafe of feeling their off- fpring with the fgne ofthe holy co- venant, Maimwly in Mif. treat. of Cirattrmifton, eb. 3.S.3. And that they tooke not this for a carnall ligne, appeareth by their words, in the booke cal- led Zobar,wherc treating upon this Seftion of the Law, they fay , At what time a man is f aled with this holy fraleof ;hitfgne ( ofCircunieifion:) thencef5rtb be feth the holy bleff d God properly , and the holy funk it united with him. Ifhe be not wortly, that he keepetb not Shit figne ; what it written ? By the breath of God they per, (lob 4.9.) for that this fealeoftheheyblef- fed God war not kept. But if he be worthy and keept it, the holy Gbeß is net feparated from him. Our ApofHe openeth the myftery more heavenly, whiles he calleth thefigne of circum ifsson, a f a;e of the righteouf, tteff offaith, Roni.4.I s.and, if thou be atranfgreffr of the Law, thy circumcifoon it made nneircumcifion. Cireumdfeon it, that of the heart , in the fjirit, not in the leoter,Rom.2.2 5.2p, VeK. tA.a fin ofeigl bdajes] that is, a min child of elf*dayes old, meaning In the Which tinte was fo (tri&, that it the eight day fell tò be the Sabbath, yetthey circunicilled the child therein, fo it is in the HebrewCanons,Cie- eumeifton in the time thereof drivetb air ehe Sabbath : that is ,a man mull omit thekeeping of the Sab- bath, fortocircumcife in due time, Maim. treat. fCircnmcifeon cb.s.S.ç.God appointed the eighth 67i