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A/'A//10/GIi81P 1',110W9D//® he Prefaçe. hereby he intendeth the pardoning of ourfins:for where other feriptures fpeake of healing his people EG.6. r o. Mat. t 3.15. elfwhere it is interpreted,theforgiving oftheir fins,Mark.4. t 2. So be rolled himlelfe on the Lord,Pfa1:22.9, is in plainerfpeech,he trufted,Mat.z7.43. and Chrift who (hould be an mfgneoftbr peoples,Efa. i 1.1 o.i.s under that phrafe prophelied,to rule ozer the natians,Rom''r 5.r 2. When Mofes faith, God (mote the Sodomites with bfindhefs, en. i 9.11.he meaneth very great or extreme blindneffe,no- ted by that word in the plurali number: as where the Prophet mentioneth weep* ofbitternefs,Jer.3 i r 5.the Apole expoundeth it,weeping andgreatmourning,Mat.2: i 8. So when he teacheth us to fweare by the name of theLord,Deu.6.i 3.under it,he implieth the confelliô of his name & truth:as when another Prophet fpeaketh in like fort of fwearing,E1a.45.23. Paul expoundeth it,confefng untoGod,Rom. Oft times we shall fee in Mofes and the Prophets,a defe& ofwords,which reafon teacheth,are to be fupplied;as Adam begat in hislihenef,Gen.5.3that is,hegat a fen. The Scripture (heweth us to fupply fuch wants : as, Ithe God of thy fatber,Exad.3.6. that is,/ am the God, Mat.22.32. Samuel faith,Vzza putforth to the Ark, 2 Sam.6.6, another doth explain it, Vzzaput forth bit band to the Ark, 1 Ghron.i 3.9. One Prophet writeth briefly, I with fmrpions , 2 Chron.1 o. r r. another more fully, I will eleaflifiyou with forpions, t King. i 2.1z . One faith no more, but in the ninth oftke month, 2 King.25.3. another tepplieth the want thus, In the fmtrtb mcnetb, in the ninth ((the month, Jerem. 5 2.6. So , thy fervant barb found to pray, rGhron. s7. 25. that is, hathfoundin his heart topray ,2Sam.7,i7. and many the like. Here men may fee the reafon,why Tranflators doe fometime adde words(which are to be difcerned by the different let- ter;) for the original! tongue affe &eth brevity; but we delire and need plainneffe of fpeech. Yea, this may helpe in weighty Controverfies: as,Iefua Cooke bread,andb1c(j ,and brak,Mat.z6.26. here fome ima- gining a Tranfubltandation of the brcad,blame thofethat translate, be broke it, as adding to the Scrip.. ture : whereas fuch additions are neceffarily underftood, many a hundred time in the Bible ; and the fame Apostle elfwhere faith,Ghrift bief ed and brake,Mat. t 4.19. when another writeth,he Urged them and brake, Luke 9.16. which a third Evangelift explaineth,he Wed and brake the lames (or bread) Mar.6,41. again he faith, a man (hall leave father and mother, Matt 9.5. when Mofes plainly faith, hitfather and his mother , Gen. 2. 14. But fuch ufuall defe&s, all of any judgement,will foone underftand. On the other hand, but more feldome, there is abundance of words, (though not in vaine) which in other languages, may be made fewer; and the holy Ghoft approveth it. As where Mofes writeth, a man a prinee,Exo.2. r4. Stephen faith onely a prince, omitting the word man, A &.7.z7, So one Prophet faith, men fhooters; t Sam.31.3. another faith but fhooters, i Chron. r o,3. Efay faith, a man of his cotmfrll, Eia.4o.13. Paul abridgeth it,bis counfeIour,r Cor.2. t 6. And, one faidfayisg en this manner, 2 Ghron. r 8.i 9. or, ore faid on tbh manner, i King. 22. 20. with fundry other of like fort. But the change of names,words,andletters; as alfo of number,time,perfotf,and the like;isvery fre- quent, and needfnll to be obferved. As Mofes calleth a man,7ob,Gen.46.13. elfewhere he nameth hint Iafhub,lTums6.z4. Afhbel,Gen.46.21. is by another Prophet named lidiadl, s Chron.7.6. Nebuebad-ne- zer, z King.25.i. is alfo Nebucbad- rezer, Jer.52.4. Ietberan Ifmaelite(by nature) s Chron.2.i7. is Iitbra an Ifraelite (by grace) z Sam. r 7.2 5. Hofbea is called alto Iehofbua, Numb. r 3.16. and Iefhua, Ezra 3.2. in Greek Iefus, A &.7.45. So enemie, i King.8.37, written enemies,2 Ghro.6.28,34, iniqultie,Jer.31.34 is iniquities, Heb.8.s 2. And contrariwife;Matthew faith they brought the Affe and the colt, and put ate them their clothes, and fet]efus upon them Math.2 i.7. which Mark Iheweth to be meant of the Colt on- ly, and that efus fate upon him, Mark. 11.7. So, the tbeezes are faid to revile Chrift,Mat.27.44. whence of them did it, Luke 23.39. Likewife,hearrye, but emderf and net, Efa. 6.9. or,ye fl all beare,butfhall not un- derffand,A &.28,26. and the way before me, Mal. 3.1. or, the waY before thee, Matth. Smite thou the fl eepberd, Zach. i 3.7. which Chrilt citeth thus, brill the flrepherd,Mat.26.3 s, and,Itwk the thirty pieces of Liver, Zach. i 1. i 3. or ,they Cooke them, Matth.2,7.9. Of which changes there are many, and of great ufe , throughout the Scriptures. Quefions are, as in other languages, fe in theboly tongue,nfed for earneft affirmations,deprecati ons, denials, forbiddings, wifhes, and the like: as when the people faid,Why fhouldwe dye ? Deut.5,z 5. it was both an affeveration that they (hould dye, and a prayer againft it. The Scripture openeth it felfe: as, wby ebtb he fßeal, bla fbemies ? Mar.7.2. which another Evangelift writeth, this man blafpbemetb, Mat.9.3. And, art thou come to torment ne? Mat.8,29. wherein was implied, ¡pray thee torment me not, Luke 8.28. So, are they not wrntm? 2 King.2o.20. is affirmed, behold they are written, z Chron. 32.32. and that which the Prophet averreth, All theft my hand bath made, Efa.66.1. is turned into a queftion; bath not "y hand made all theft ? A &.7.49. Againe,when God faid to David ; (halt thou build me an boute ? 2 Sam.7.5 he meant, thou jhaknot build, s Chron.i7.4. when Chrill faith, bow fhall Satans kingdome fancy Mat. 12. 26. he meaneth, it earntot fiend, Mark.3.26. and, thinkeye that I am come to give peace ? Luke 12. 51. is as if he had faid, tbink it not, Mat. to. 34. I will paffe on to a few moe obfervations. When fpeech is of many , where one is principali; the Scripture fetteth it down,as of one,or ofmany indifferently. As, Beare them the word, r King.zz.i 9. or, beareye the word, 2 Chron.i 8. 18. And they killed, 2 King.z 5.6. or, the king of Babel kited, Jer.5 z. i o. David offered, 2 Sam, 6.17. or,tby ofered, 1 Chron. 16.1. they made pease with David, and ferved hire, t Ghron. t 9. 19. or, they made peace with ¡frail, andferved them, z Sam. 10.19. So, Peter faid untoGhrifi, Mat. 15.15. whereas another Evangelift faith, his difcipleo asked him, Mar.7.17. And, couldefi not thou (Peter) watch? Mar.1437or,eoeddnotye(my difciples)wateh ?Mat.26,4o.By this,we may gather the reafon,why thrift at Z,10/71/7íuliw _z-HEIE1.1111