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1 he Preface. at other times fpake to Peter fingularly, that which was intendi1d alto to the ref}, in M it. 16. t 7,19 compared with Ioh.20.z2,23.which tome not obtèrving, would reltrainetbalieyesofthe kingdom¢ mito Peer onely. But ofttimcs,therc is a force in words,wherebyother perfons or things are excluded: as when Mo- les faith, they fbai be one flefh,Gen.2.24.he meaneth,tbey two (not moe) fbaibeone Rh, M'at. t 9.5.and lày- ing ofGod,bim thou fbalt ferce,Dett.6,13. he intendeth him onely,Mat.4.1o. It was not lawful] to eat the Shew bread,bxt for the Priefts,Mar.2.a6.that is,butfr the Priefis onely,Mat.1z.3.aadçhe iigtree had nothing but .'eave.s,Mar. i t.i 3.that is,nothing but leaves onely,Mat. z i. s 9.Accordingly Paul làith,a man is not jufti- fied by the workes of the law , but by the faith of lefue Chrift; Gal. z. í 6.whereby is meant, iy f itb one'y. In expounding the Oracles of God , we are taught to take abfolute and indefinite fpeec1 es in the largc(t let &e : unleffe there be Tome fpeciall real an of reftraint.As,when he Paid to Moles, See, and ma tho.s thetn,awerding totheirpatterne ,Exod.25.4o.themeaningis,See thou mak all thing; , according tothepat- .terue, Heb.8, 5.And in laying, Curled be be that confirmeth not the words of thie law, extendeth thus fa rte, Curfed be every one that coeitnureth not hi all things which are mitten in the bookofthe lam, Ga1.3. t o. When he prontiCeth Chrifk,to put bn enemies for his footftoole , Pfal. t t o. s. he meaneth all bit enemies, 1 Cor. i 5.15.z5.So other fuch precepts and promifes,are in likemauner,to be underftood. But fontetime generali words are Mid, scripture and reafon teacheth to rëliraine:as,al If ael went up with David to Baalah, z Chron.t 3 6.meanirg, aU the people that were with him, as another Pro- phet explainethit,2 Sam,6.z.SoChrift healed aN that were ficke,Mat.8.16.that is,all the ficke that were brought unto him;or,as another Evangel ft faith, Many thatwereidse : Mar.1 -.3 4. Thus a /I, is uCed for very marry,Mat.2l.26.Litk.21.17.Phil .2.zI.Gen.41.57. none, fur veryPm, Ier.8.6,i Cor a.8.nothiag,for very little, loh. i 8.2 o.Aet.27.33.Or, with other fpeciall restraint; as, of bis fubteffe; bave we all , eceived, Io11.i.16.that is,aflwe which beleeve,and the like. It is not the Malt help in opening the fcriptures,to obferve words and fpeeches that differ in found, but accord in fenfc ; and let dowse the fame thing in ftmdry termes, one of which do often give light unto another.As, the morel of the Lord came,2 Sam. z4.11.or,tbe Lord f eke, s Chro 21.9 T here fell,' Chro. 21.14.or,there died,z Sam.24.15. To fit on his throne,' King.3.6.or,to reig ne in his lead, a Chro 1.8. They faff mt,Mat.9.14.or,they eat and drinke. Luk.5.3 3.The time of tentatioa,Luk.8. t 3. or, of afffi£fiW and pee - f etstien,Mar.4.17.To enter intolife, i 8.9,or,into Golf kntgdome.Mar.9.47.To take awry the k y of know - Iedge,Luk.ii.5z.or,to flout up the kingdomeofheave n,Matth.23 ;3. Thus they that are in one place called Hypáce hes, Matth.24.5 i. are in another called inhde/s, Luk. r 7.46. and they that Welke not accord ng to any law,Mark 7.5.are laid to tranf ref the fanie,Mat.17.2. And theWlrckcd one, Mat.' 3.19. the Di, el, Luk.8.12.and Satan, Mark.4.1 5. are all one. By comparing the holy writers thus , even myfteries in words and phrafes are manifelted, and difli. ulties may be cleared. A, in 2 Stm.7.23.heiecu Ælohin, that is ,God they meat;this foundeth to a paynimyas if there were many Gods:but the fame thing writ- ten by another Prophet,ha /ae Æ'ohim God he went, i Chro. i 7.21.refitteth the plurality ofGods,t ho igh clofcly teaching the trinity of Futons in the Godhead. So when David aith, far bj mod ¡,,ke, z Sam. 7.21.or,(as another rccordeth his f eech,)fir tly f:vants fake,' Chro. i7.i 9.th_te two,fhew that David meatu f r thy Chrifia fake,for Chrift is both the roord,Ioh. t . i.;ut 1 the Servant ofG od, Mat. t z. 18. -z i.When Davids foes are called by one Prophet Cehanim,(that word which we Engl ilh P 'vices ,or, Prieffs,) 2 Sam.8. i 8.and by another are named the Fi' f1 (or Chief¢) at the kin is b m4,1 Chro. 18.17. we may hereby learn the office of Chrift our Cohe»,both Prinee and Priefl,who now fitteth at the right hand of the throne of the Majeitie (ofGod) in the heavens, Heb.8. t So for other material] things in I.rael which we are not acquainted with : fcriptures compared, doe explaine them. As when Solomon put three pound of gold to one fhield, i King. i o.; 7.and another Prophet faith three handed (fhekels) ofgold went to one fhield,z Chr.9.1 &we may certainly gather,that the March or Pound in Ifrael,was a hun- dred fhekels. W hen K. Achaz made his fnne to paffe through the fire, z Kin. i 6.3. if any know not what this meaneth;another f rlpture telleth us, be burnt hit fires in the fire, a Chr.28.3.So the (Debts or) Oracle in Solomons temple,s (hewed to be the Holy ofhelies,or miff holy place in that home,: Chr.3 to. When Chrift teacheth us to pray,Forgive us our debts, Mat.6 I z.thereby is meant,our fim,es, Luk.1 1.4.. with many other like, of profitable Me, in letters, words and phrafes, througout the Bible. And the more to excitemen,to fearch and conferre the fcriptnres,I will note a few moe not unlike the former. The name of God,and ofChrift,how often is it mentioned in the holy booke ? yet not alwayes under - ftood.How he it,the Prophets and Apoftles. open themlelves; one raying, he (hall build an hon.è to my name,2 Same7.13.another,he (hall build an houle tome, I Chr. i 7 s Chrift faith,for my name,Mat.l9. 29.that is, for me and the Gofpel, Mark. i 0.2 9 for my name fake,Luk.21.1 z. that is,fOr my fake, Mark., 3.9.So things Molten by the Prophets in the Lords name, t Chr 21.19. were the Lords commandement s, 2 Sam.. 24.19. accordingly Iames faith of the Prophets, they have fpoken in the name of tin Lard, Ian1.5.1 o. and where the Prophet faith;tbe Iles fh aiwait for (Chrifts) lam,Elà.42.4.the Apottleexpoundeth it,tbe Gen - tilesfb5U truf! in hie Rtame,Mat. s 2.21.When David faith,he prayed bef re the Lord, Chr.17.15. and the like is Cpokenof Ezekiah, z King,19.15,themeaning is,that they prayed imoo the Lord,as is exprefled in 2 Satn.7.27.andEfa.37. i5.Likewifc the kneeling before Chrift,Mat.27.2 9. i s called the werfbipping of him, t 5.19.and when the Devil] would have had Chrift doneworship before him, Luk.4.7.he knew that in fo,doing,he (hould roor fhip bim,Mat.4.9.yet many at this day, though they pray and doe wor- (hip 2`.