Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

The Preface ifWe beware not ofthem, : the one is, too much liberty , which many me,v take ìn thefaitho. the Gofpel, and obedience ofthe fame, Whiles they turne Gods grace into Wantonnefe, and abufe his mercy to the fu llingoftheir owne tuffs and licenciouf- nes ; whereas they fhould made an endof e Phil. 2. x z. theirfalvaticn e in feare and trembling nowinrrthat egen the f righteous are carce- f Pet. 4 s , . f lylived: Whiles alfo they take boldnes to communicate infpirituall anions with any , fuppofing that the finnes of force , orofthe publick cong-regationcannot hurt them, efne- i cially ifinhart they &fallow theevil! , and condemne thefame. Such men feeme not to dfcern thenature ofcommunion , how f tirre it reacheth ;, or the contagion., offinne , how farre it infetieth.Theyfeemc neyther to haue learned the law, g which tau,Tht, that a man x 14, by bearing :or touchingholy things , was not himfcfemade holy thereby , but a polluted perfon touching any ofthem, made themun- clean : nor the do6irine ofthe gofpel , which h x Car. xo . confrrneth , that h they which eat ofthe f x8. criflees arepartakers of the altar ; and all i col. 17. they i one bread and one body , whichpar takeofone bread ; Where if there be but it title