Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

1 tjZ CHAP, Xy, ofa cosstr:.te heart Whcli grace that all the Sans might take knowledge of, the v&re is wrttzn., which was heard out ofheancn to fay , t ßel,Ji.'d the Ttber- n.'acle ofGod is with :n:r., andhe will drà:ll i:ith them,,-xnd theyfixll be hispeople ,and God himire'J-i will' be their Jod with them. This Tabernacle is th. bodies Sc foules ofthe Sainets , as the Apf{le fayth, vre are the T+e ,m. p'e ofthe Lir i ng,d, Gaen godbathf Wit dwell iz thezy&i .tl% r (w:.*/, them; j'r'y body is the temple ofthe H yhof i On the o -hct- fide, weare fa d to walk.: with God, as d:d 7 Enoch, and Noah, Sc as the Lo:d reqrt.r:thof everte iran, thata he hgrnblehimfi,j'i to wa'kwith his God ; we b dwdl inks tabernack for Ever , our tru.ft is uî ;.:r the covering. of hs wins,a,r.d A4,Qi'tle lohn fàv7li, Deep .H Lpee th t ' e his Coïrï,lildemCíltj dwelleth iss him,' andhe in z. This grace is fo hçarlcn!y and itI- cI'natlll'all ,a as 1t cannot be comprehen- ed by the carnal' man; nor ':rnhraced c,4z walked in 46th comfcait by finmrs and ócr;res. The narurall man rhinketh 4wellsssY o fGod is not withfief") ; the tan-