Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP XI. 167 nature, in that they flee the corruption which is in the world through luí1; with wh6 he fo gracioufly c6 unicateth his goodnes , that they. tall in this world , a IIe6, c,°. d of the powers of the world to come , and doe walk in the light of his face , feele his holyprefence with themr\Vhich prefence, although it be with every of his Saincis,e inall places where they be- e P'aI. I39 come; yet is it molt liuely feene in their 33'8* Affemblie, and there f he is very terrible., frte. s p,9 For this caufe did his people g love the habitation of his houfe , and e>l,efired to dwell there all their dayes , that they might behold his bewdie ; and bengab- fent from it , their foules thirftcd for h pfaf.4Z ",2. God, fayingwhenfhall we come &*care befire to the profence of God? for they knew his promife which had filyd , ,z every i xo.2o,t4 place Where I shall pest the remembrance of my name, will come urtto thee and bicj c thee; they knewGod was' k itj the ind s s - 1.. fl, , =z1.4f5, ; of his fananary,it fhould not be moved, he would help it very early. But of this holy lociefe, more is co be fpoken per- tcularly in another plate. I. 4 CIiAPr