Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XII. 17.E banner over us. 6. To allure the world that he was both thewifdome& power of God, he confirmed his dotxine by lignes and wonders , doing fuch works, r as no a- r Iob. x5,24 Cher man did; euen a his words were , filch as fnever man fpake , his enimies f Iobn7,46. being iedges.Hegane alto of this power to c inch as beleeved in hisname &were tgar. r6>17 his witncil s ; himfelfe working with "s, ZQ them , and confirming the word with fignes that followed. 7. Vnto this outward adwinifiration Chrift annexeth his inward grace by di- vine power; making even the Dead v to V lob ß,z5. heare his voice and line, for he hath the x words of eternal.' life,he openeth y the ab.6 ' IBS. hearts,and attention, he openeth yAt1. g6,x4 the mindes, and caviethmen to under- z t 14 hand the fcriptures; he giweth them .alfb 4S a a mouthand wifdotne, whichall their adm.2f,x . ddverfarits ate not able to fpeak againfl, nor refifl. 8. Now all this life andgrace doeth Chrift coinmunscate with the Sain&s, -being their Head, they his members. For tuft theMinifters of theword , how great.