Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

176 CHAP. XIi. great gifts or authoritie foever they haUe zcor.32Z they b all arcours, andwe Chrifts , and 2;. Chrifi Gods ; we are to trie their do- c a./7,1i3 marine by the c fcriptures , for they haue 2COY, r, 24 not d dominion over our fayth , but are helpers ofour joy ; and in declaration c 2 ofthe trueth c are to approue themfelues to every mans confcience in the fight of God. Secondly theWord it felfe, euen fpro. s, T32- all the fcriptures, are giuen f unto us , & 'c.rom.x5, written for our learningand comfort;& 4. this not onely to know for our felues g1 The(.5,1 z but to teach exhort and edifïe g one ano- ther. Therefore is theword fayd t o be bjar.z,zz. hgraffedin us, and what by it we do be- i 2tor.q,z3, leeue, wealit may boldly i fpeake, and k Mat. .s, freely kpradife,euenall that Chrifl bath 20. commanded ; that as he is a 1 faithfull & I Rev. r,. truewitnes,fowe alfo that are the Lords witneffes withhim his chofen fervant, zn ifa 43,10 (as mfayrh the Prophet, )traybear agood teflimonie unto the trueth;and havinghis n co/.3,16 word n dwelling in us plenteoufly in all opro^.2.9. wifedorne, may thereby our felues o un- derftand righteoufnes and judgement , and equitie, and every good path, and be preferved from the evill way; andun- to