Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XI I, 177 to others may impart the P honey and milkof Gods graces that are under our tongue : and having the qhigh-ads of God inour mouth, and the two-edged fword(ofhis r word) in our hands, may execute vengeance on theheathen, cor- retions among the people ;binding their kings in chaìnes, aid their nobles with fetters ofyron; this honour is to all his Saints who fholding forth the word of lifedo thine as lights in the world ; Chrift illuminating themwith his glory continually, and making his Church by his Propkefie , the t va/lieofvífon,as ofold it was named. 9. Touching his griefhood , and our communion therewith , two things are to be confidered; Firft, what ofhis grace in his owne perfonhe hath wrought and worketh for us;to weete, y the thingsper- teyning to Çod,(as theApoftle fpeaketh: ) which are, x the Of fring of a f scrifice ro make reconciliation for our finnes; and y Intercefon, which as our Advocate he makethwith the Father for us. Second- ly, what byhis mighty power he graci- oufly worketh in us , and applieth unto I1ß us 3 p Song.4,i x qPfat.i49, 6,i)g,9 r xeb4,1 t. fPhil. 2, Iy, 16. tlfa.22,y. V ZOQ rlttóç `Tir 9:01. x Hein, s,r, 6" 2+17' y HTeb.7,25. z I101fi, 2, LS