Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

kPîa.89,48 llobn I, 14, 7t8. an4.11.10.30. ncba.iy.s. o Col.!, I , z7. p z Pct.i,zo r,i ahc,f. z,z o f Phil. 2,6. t a1ob. 5,zo iS CHAP. III. not, nor k deliver his foule from the hand of the grau e: therefore hadGod of his rich grace & incomprehcnfible Iàue, ordeyned his ? only begotten Sonne which was in his boforne, m onewith himfelfe, & in glorie with him n before the worldwas ; by whom ® all thinges were created iniheauen&in earth, things vifible & invifible,& in whom ail thngs confif ; euen this his owne deare fonne had the Father ordeyned P before the foundationof the world,that he toulde q faue his people from their finnes, and r deliver them from the wrath to come. 3. And forafinuch as being in the rforme ofGod,and t veryGod himfelfe (who liveth,and is ble1Ied for ever) he could not in that nature &glorie (where in v onely is irnmortalitie) partake with v z tang. ß, mans wretchednes, or tafle ofhis death, which yet by Gods gracexhe was to tafté i llcbr.z,9. for all men: thereforewas it alfo ordey- ned , that the y Word ífiould be made yIobnr, j4 flefh,euen the Sonne of God, when he came into the world , íhoulde be made z Gel. 4,4. of x a woman, &of the a feede of earth- a A.c .I ;,z3 1y man according to the fleib ; that he ould