Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

Sz CHAP. T. eHeb.2, I I. to that which is w i itten, n.He that f nc i- feth, (which is Chriti) and they that are jndified (which arc his people)are ail o f one, far which cauf he is not ofhamed to call ®xCer.I, 9 .them brethren. And again , 0 Clod isfith- fill, by whomye are called unto the commu- nionofhis SonneZefiu Chrif our Lord. 3. The ele& andbleíled Angels, are p Deut.33, 2 alto P Saineis ; having fanóitie by crea- ttnth art. 7, tion cótinewed &confirmed unto them 33 'Weyerf for ever. The% heauenly fpirits haue 14. comniunlon not onely with God , in whofe presence they ftand;but alto with us the children of God through fayth, by which we are come veto the ggreat aflèmblie of themany thoufands of thé, haue them for our r guardians , and ae- krowledging themfelues to be our f fel- low lervants. q.. A 11 men and women,called to the faith ofGod, are t Sainc`s bycalling;be- ing fan&ified by Chrift Icfus , and one with another are v holy brethren. Of thefe fore are x Sainds departed this life,and Ileeping in theLord : othetfome are on earth,&whiles they here htie (notwitia- Ltanding their many infirmities and aft-1i- dons gt-Ieb.12, 22 r TN.;421. A. Rev. 22i9. tDeut43,3 I Cor. i, z. Heb. x. x7,52