Alleine - BV4920 A44

. .,. (• ·DireElioNs for Converfion. .. _ I"l·I ~- bethink thy felf what need thou haft of achange ? Oh, ·what is thy heart madeof? Haft thounot on– ly loft all regard to God, but art w·ithout any love and pity t~ thy feW? __ . . ·· _ - - · ·. Oh, ftudy thymtfery, ttll thy heart do:cryout for ,Ghrift, as earneftly, as ever a n1an did f<.'lr a boat, or the wounded ford: Chirurgeon. 11en mufr come to fee the danser, and feel the fmart of their deadly fores and fickn~fs;· or elle Chrifi: will be to them a Phytkhi) of no value, lvfattb. 9· it. Then theman-flayer haftens to the city of refuge, · whenpurfuedby the avenger ofblood.'- Men muH: be even forced and fired out of themtelves, or elfe · tf1ey will not come to Chrift. · 'T~·. :'"·S di!treis and · extremity that made the prodig·ar c·-~-1k of re:urn- · 'ing., Luk. -I). I 6) I 7· While Laodice.t thinks her felt' rich, increafed in goods inneed of nothing, there is ' little ·hope; She mufr be dee-ply convinced of h~r wretchednefs, blindnefs, poverty, nakednefs, before fhe will come to Chrifl: -for his gold, rai1nenr, eye-falve, Rev 3. I7, .r 8. Therefore hold ~:he eyes · ·of confcien:e dp:n, ampl-ifie thy mi(ery as much - as poH1ble ; do not Hy the fight ofit ~ ·"or fear it fhau Jd fill thee with terrour. .The fenf~ of thy mi– fery lS but as it wer-e th; fuppuration of the ViOUnd, r which is necefbrv to the cure. Betrer fear the to1·n1ents that · al~ide th~e rio~v, :than feel then1 herl:afrr.r. · ' ' · · - ·n·re.n.. lv-.:r - ..., · •·tfo 1·t • f ~J ·'4-,,-j f> ,.. t - t~''' t ,._b l r "' ' ~wL. v. v e. h. ... ..tpJ,~ .,1._.~ J., .H ., ._.. ,.. ou "r.. Urtder 411 everf.1jiing zntbility e·uer tO reCriVfr tb) [tlf• Never thi_nk thy praying, re•1ding, hearit~g,) col:lfeC– fing, arn~ndir..t?;}· will do the cure. Theie tnuit be ttended, but thou art undone if thou ' rei1efl: in them._, r p. 3. .Thou art a loft' man, if thou ; ho~ft to e[c~pe drowning upon any other p!ank, but Jefus Chnft, Afl. 4 I 2 'I'ho~·r'm·ufl: unle~rn thy feif, 'and rerlOtlnCe thine OWH "N·ifdbnl 3 tf:ine OWn . I G· ri r ~· t~ "t'·"" i.:) '·f. '-;.,.· !}~~