Alleine - BV4920 A44

onJ or onver zon•. righteoufnefs, thine <!wn ftrength, and throw thy felf wholly uponChnft~ as a ntan that fwimmeth cafteth himfelf upon.the water~ or elfe thou canft not efcape. While men truft in themfelves, and eftablifh their ownrighteoufi1eis, and have confi– dence in the fleth, they will not come favirigly to Chrift~ LW{. 18. 9· Philip. 3· 3· Thou muft know. thy ~atn to be ~ut lofs~and dung, thy firength but weaknefs, thy nghteouinefS rags and rottennefs, be– fore there will beaheffectual clofurebetweenChrift ..-~ andthee,PhiliP·3·7,8/,9· z.Cqr.3.r. I[a.64.6. Can · j the lifelefs ·carcafe fhake off its grave-cloaths, and · ·'Joofe the bonds of death? Then mayeft thou reco~ ver thy felf, who arc dead in trefpalfes and fins, and under an impoffibility of ferving thy ~1aker (ac– ceptably) in this condition, Kom. 8. 8. Heb. r 1. 6. Therefore when ~hou goeft eo pray, or 1neditate, or to do anyof· the duties to which thou art here direCted, go out of thy felf, can in the help of the ~ •i Spirit, as defpairing.todo anythin.g pleafing to God, in thine own ftrength: Yet neglect not thy duty, but lie at the pool, and wait in the wayof the Spirit. While the Ettr.ucb was reading, then the.Holy Ghoft fentPhilip to him, .Afl.s. 28, 19· vVhen the Difci– ples were praying, .Ali. 4· 31. when Corneljeu and his friends,were hearing, .ACE. 1 o. 44· then theHoly Ghoft fell upon them, an~ filled. them al~. Str~ve togive up thy felf to Cbnft, ftnve to pray,, ftnve t:o meditate, ftrive an hundred and an hundred· times, try to do it ~s w~ll as thou canft; and while thou art endeavounng tn theway of thy duty, the Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee, and help · thee to do what ofthy felf thou art utterly unable unto, Prov. 1 • 2. 3• · , · , · . J DireCt. v. Forth~itb "renonnce all thy fins. Ifthou yield thy felf to thecon~rary pr~Cliceofany fin, thou art undone, ·~xom, 6.· I 7· Invam dofc thou hope 1~;