Alleine - BV4920 A44

for an Vnregenerate Sinner. 0 my 'fins, my fins! Behold, a troop cometh1 ~fultitLldes, multi~udes! There is no number of their Armies. Innumera~Ie evi!s have compa.lfed _me about: Mine iniquities have taken hold upon me ; they hav·e fet themtelyes in aray againft n1e-. Oh ! It were be:ter to have all the regiments of ell come againfi me, than to :;ave my fins to fall upon me, to the fpoiling ofmy foul. Lord, how arn I fur-rounded? How many are they that rile up againft me·? They have befet me behind and be– fore: They fwarm within me , and without me -: They havepoffeffed all my powers, and have forti-... fled n1ine unhappy foul, as a Garifon. which this brood of hell doth man, and maintain againft the God that mad.e me. And they are as mighty, as they are many. The fands are many, but then they are not great: The mountains great, but then they are not many: But woe is n1e! my -fins are as 1nanyas thefands, and as znighty as r.he mountains ; their weight is greater t han their number. It were better that the rocks und the mountains fhould fall upon me, than tl:e cru!hing and infupportab1e load of my own finso Lord, I am heavy loaden ; let tnercy help, or I am – gone. ·Unload xne of this heavy guilt, this linking load; or I am crufhed without hope, and muft be pi·efed down to hell. If my grief \\ 7 ere throughly ~Neighed, --and my ~ns lay~d in rhe ba~ances toge– ther, they vvoukl te heavtet than the fand of the fea -; therefore my words are fwall0wed up: They would weigh d0\\7 n a1~ the ~oc ks, and th_e htUs~ an~ t urn the balance aga1nft ,ail the 1fles of the eart-1* :o Lord, thou knoweJ'l: my tnanifold tranfgreilion~, a;,dmy n1ighty ·fins. . .· · Ah., n1y foull Alas, my glory ! ~Thither · ~t thou hun1bled? Once the glory of the _creGtion, and the image ofGod: Now· a lump 0fnlthine~, H 2 .ac~m ,