Alleine - BV4920 A44

I 48 A Soliloquy ~ Goffin of rotfe11nefs, replen'illied with-fiench and loathfomnefs:- Ofj, V/ hat work hath fin rnade with thee·! T.hou £half 'be tet~med Forfaken, and all the· rooms of thy facult ies JJe{olate, and the .natne that thou ibalt be called by is IdJabaii, or IPber-e is the ;glory ? How art thou con1e down mightily ? My ~eauty is turned into deformity, and my .glory in~ ·to fhatne. : Lord, \Vhat a loathfome Leper am I~ Th.e,tikereJJs-l.Jodies' of ~oh- m· llazarza were not n10r'-€ b1fenfivet~ the·eyes and,noftrifs ofmen, tha:ri I muft needs be to the moft holy God, whofe eyes cann\!t behold iniquity. · · And what mifery hav<; my fins brought upon n1e! Iord, '.vhat a cafe am I in? Sold under fin, caft out of God's favour, accurfed fron1 the Lord, curfed in my bodv, curfed in n1y foul, curfed in my name; in my efi:ate, n1y relations,. and aH that I have. My 'finsare unpardoned, and my foul with– in a ftep of death. Alas ! Vlhat f'nall I do? Whi– ther fhall I go·? vVhich way {hall I look?. God. frowning on me fron1 above ; hell gaping for beneath; confcience fmiting me within ; temptar _tions and dangers furrounding me withoQt. Oh; whither {hall I flee ?· What place can hide n1e from ·omnifciency ? What power can fecure me from Omnip()tency ? ~- · r .. · · -. · · · ·.What ineanefi .thou, 0 my. foul, to go on thus? Art thou in league with hell? Haft thou rnade a ·covenant with death ? ·Art thou in love with thr mifery ? Is it goo~ for thee to be here ? Alas, \Vhat .fhaU I do? ShaH I go an in my finful ways? · Why then certaindamnationwill be mine. end: And fl1a I E>e'fo b~f.:Jtted; andbe;nadde.:i, as to ·go anGi 1elt f.:lul to the t1ames for a little Ale, and a li ttle eafe for a little pJeafute, or gain> or content· to my flefh? ~hall I linger a:1y longer in this wret~hed efiate ~ ·l'jo, ifI tarry here, I!hall die. What then? Is ·,