Alleine - BV4920 A44

for an unregene no belp, riohope ? .None, except I turn. Why, but' · is there any remedy for fuch wpful mifery ? Any mercy after fuch provoking iniquity? Yes, as fure as God's oath is true, I ihall have pardon and mer... cy yet, if prefently, unfeignedly, and unreferved1y · I turn by Chrifi: to him. Why then I thank thee upon the bended knees– of my foul, 0 moft merciful 'febovab, that thy pa..;. tience hath waited upon m.e h~therto: For hadft ·thou took rne away_in. this efiare, I had perifhed tor ever.. And now I adore thy grace, .and accept the ofiers of thy n1ercy: I renounce all my fins, and refolve> by thy r::race, to fet my felf a~ainft then1, and to follow thee, in h.olinefs and righte.. oufnefs, aril the days of n1y life. ' Who am I, Lord, that I fhould make any dairn unto thee, or have any part or portion in thee) who am not worthy to lick up · the duft of thy feet? Yet fince thou holdeft forth the golden Scepter, r– am bold to come and touch. To defpair, v.rould be to difparage thy metcy ; and to ftand off when thou biddeft: n1e co1ne, vv-ould be at once to undo my felf, and rebel againH thee, under the pretence of humility. · Therefcre I bo\v my foul to thee, and with all poffible thankfulnefs, accept thee .as mine, and give up my iolf to thee as thine. 1~ho·u £halt be Soveraign over tne> my King, and my God: Thou ilialt be in the throne, and all · rny powers fhall bow to thee, they ihall come and worihip be– fore thy feet: Thou fhalt be my portion, .0 Lord, and I will reft in theeo · Thou callefi: for my heart~ Oh that it were any· ·way fit for _thine accepcance! I am _unworthy, 0 Lord, everlaftinglyun'Vvorthy to bedune: But fince thou wilt have it fo, I freely give up my heart to thee ; take it, it is thine : Oh that it were better ! But, Lord, I put it into thine h~~P~. who~alonecanft H 3 rr.end