Alleine - BV4920 A44

r.;-4 Motives to Converfion. ted calf, ·the befi robe, the ring, the tbooes, the be:i cheer in heaven~s ftore, the beft hea~ ven~s wardrobe, Lu~. I 5· 6, 9, 23. yea,. the jey can– not be held in one breafi, (!re. others muft be cal~ 1ed to participate; the friends muft meet, andmake merry :. Angels mufi wait,-but the Prodigal muft: be , fet at the table~ under his father's wing : He is.. the joy of. the· feai1 ; he is ·the fweet fubjett of the fa... ther's delight : The friends fympathize, but none knows the felicity the father takes in his new born. IOn, "'horn he bath received from the dead. Me,.. thinks I he~r the mufick and the dancing .at a di– ftance. Oh the melody of the,heavealy Chorifiers! I cannot ,learn .. the ·fong, R· . 1 4· 3. but methinks l -.over-hear 2 the burden, at which all the harmoni– ous Qgire withone confent fhike fweet1y in ; fo~ .~hus goes- the round at heaven's table_>For thk my jon WM· dead, an,J is alive again ; WM loft, and~ fo~nd,- . Luk. 5'. 2 j, 24, 3 2. l need not farther explain the parable; God is the Father, Chrift the ,Cheer, his t·ighteoufnefs the ·robe, his graces the ornament~, . rvtiniHers, Saints , A-ngels the ·friends and fer-– vants; -and thou that readeft (if thou wilt but un– feignedly r€pent and turn) :the welcome Prodigal, the happy infiance:o£ a11 this grace, and bleffed tub-– je[t ofthis"joy and love. · . · o ·Rock! ()Adamant! ·What!. not .moved yet? N·ot yet ref0lved to turn ford:nvith, and to clofe\ with mt'TCY ? I will try thee ·yet once ··agairi : If. one Vvere Jent to thee fro1n the dead, .wculdft thou– l "e:perfiladed ? '0/hy, the -voice from the dead'"" frorn the dan1ned; thee that thou fuouldft r~pen.t. I pray -tbee.., tbac tbcu wouldjt.[end him to my• Jatber:S /;cuje, for I have ji·ve bretbrrm, tbat.he may teftij/o un~o t/;,em ~ lcft.tbq a!JO ctme into tiJl,· pldce of tor– Mt:nt. If on:: werzt unto tbem ft Mn tbe de.1.d, thq wiU rt· p~· nt, Luk•. I 6~:- Z7;. · ~8.) ~'· Hear, O.n1an,Jhy pre.-, c e:df,;rs ·--