Alleine - BV4920 A44

Motives to Con7)er ton. rleceffors in impenitence preach to thee fron1 th~ in7 fernal gibbets, from the flames. fro1n the rack, that thou fhouldft repent. Oh, look down into!h~ bpt– tomlefs pit: See!t thou how the fmoak of their tor– ment afcendeth. Jor ever and ever? Rev. x·4· 1 r• . How black are .the fiends ? How furious are their · tormentors? 'Tis their only mufick to hear how their miferable.patients roar, to hear their bones crack: 'Tis their and drink, to fee how: their . :flefbfrieth, and their fat droppeth ; to drencht~em , with burning n1etal, and to rip ope, their bodies, and to pour in the fierce rJurning brafs into .their bowels, and the recelfes and ventrides of their . hearts. 'Vhat thinkeR: thou of thofe chains of dark– ners, ofchofe infi:ruments ofcruelty ? Canft thou be ..:. cont~i1 t to burn? Seefi: thou how the worm.gnaw– ech, how the oven gloweth, ho\v the fire rageth)... ~·. What fayeft thou to that river of brimftone} that dark and h-)ITible vault, that gulf of perdition ? 'Y.ilt thou take up thy hahitation here? Oh, lay tnrne .ear to the .door of heH : Heareft thou thecur– fes a:'ldb1afphemie,;~ t~e ·weepings and thew~ilings; . now they. lamei'lt _thetr folly, and curfe thetr day ?·-. lvf.uth. 22. 1 ~· Rev.x6. 9· Ho·wdo they roar, and _, yell, and gnal11 their teeth ? Ho\v deep are their groans~ How feeling are their moans ? How un · conceivable are their miieries? If the {hrieks o~ -~ eorab, Datban, and \vereJo terrible ( whe:~ the dale afunder, and opeDe.i her n1outh~ , and fwa.Ilowed. thern up, and ·an t hat appertained to them,) that all Ifr'ael fled at the cry of them, . N umb. r 6:. 33~ 3 + Oh, how fearful \vould the cry be, .if God fhou td take off fhe ~overing from the : 1nout!1 of helL ari·:l 1 t _the cry of the dam:1eJ 2 r- ,: ccad tn ·aJl its terre... amorig t he chlidre0 of n1c ~~ ~ ~· And ofa'1>1 th"t·r· ...... -··t -1 ···~ '.)·~d rn; ~ r.,~·~p r~·11.f' t11·Q· .-.i(3··- J., .... , t.,. k l..._l_.~ .11 ..... ~- ..... 4. .. ~ ... )...1 \\l* , ...... ,, l.- l ~ l ""l!.t .~J. cing, k~llin6_c;npha!.is and burden.; F; e1HH'., fpr ·ever. . 'VVhy> · '