Alleine - BV4920 A44

MotiveJ to Conver on. I 57.: bave compaffion onyou: He .will fubdue your iniquities, and caft all your fins i1tto the depth of the [ea, v. r 9· Re– turn unto me, faith the Lord of hofh, and I will return un– to you) Mal. 3. 7. Zech. I: 3. Sinners do not fail in that · they have too high thoughts of God's tnerciis, but in· that, I · TbP.y overl'oolt_ his juftice. 2.. They promi{e tbem– felves rnercy out of God's way. His mercy is beyond all imagination, 1[4· 5'). 9· great mercies, 1 Chron.1 1. r3· manifold mercies, Neh. 9· r 9· tender mercies, Pfal. 2,. ). 6. fure mercies, Ifa. ; 5'. 3. everlafting mercies, P[al.t03· 17. I[a. 5' 4· 8: and all thine -own, 'if thou wilt but turn. 4\.rt thou willing to come in ? Why, · the Lord hath laid afide his terrour, ereCted a throne . -. of grace, holds forth the golden fceptre: Toach, and live. Would a merciful man flay his enemy, when proftrate at his feet,acknowledging his wrong, · beggingpq.rdon.. and offering to ent~r with him in– to a covenant of peace ? Much lefs w1ll themercifut God. Study his name, Exod. 34· 7.' ex~ perience, Neb. 9· IJ. Secondly, Hk foul--encottraging ca.U~ an~ promifes do – in:uite thee. Ah, what an earnefi futter ts mercy to. thee! Ho\?v lovingly, how infl:antly it calleth after thee! How paffionately itwooeth thee ! R.eturn, tb9u bac~-fliding Ifrael, faith tbe Lord, and I 'Will no~ caufe mine anger to fall uponyou; for I am me-rciful, fa#h the Lord, and-I will not keep anger for ever : Only ac~no-wludge thine iniquity. Turn, 0 back·Jliding childr~n, faith tbe Lord, for I am married unto you: · Re,urn, and I will heIll your btcl{.~jli dings. Tbou haft played-the harlot with many lovers, yet retwn unto m~;:~, faitb the Lord, ]er. 3 • I r., r 2., I~, r4, 2.2. As I live-,jaith tbe Lord God, 1have no pleafure in the deatb of the wicked, but that be turn from hisway., ·and live: Turnye, turn ye, from yowr evil . -ways_; jQr why will ye die, 0 boufe ofifrael?Ezek.3 3· r r. lf tbe wicked will .;:rn from aU hi-s fins that he hath com-– mitted, and k~ep ail n~Y ftat_utes, ami dotbat which is lawful. ·