Alleine - BV4920 A44

·. I 5· i'Vet toCon:'Verfion. ful and right., ke /hall furely li11e, he foall not die. All his tr4n{gre.ffions that he bathcommitted, they jliJ.ll not be mentioned unto him: In·.hh rigbteoufnefs that be bath done jbitll be live. Repent, and turn your [dves from all yourtranfgreffionr, fo iniquity ftJall not be your ruin. Caft atl'fl]'·from you all your tranfgreffions, and make you 4 · clean heart, and a new. fPirit; for why will Je die, 0 bOil[~ of Ifrael? For ·l have no pleafure in the death of him that dietb, faith the LordGod; wherefore turnJOUr~ {elves, andliveye, Ezek.I8. 2.J·l-),30,3I,.)t. · 0 melting, gracious words ·! The voice of a God,. :. and·notofatnanl This is not the manner of n1en, for the -offended SovereigiUofHe to the.offending, traiterous varlet. Oh, howdothmercy follow thee, and plead \Vtth thee! Is not thyheart brokenyet? Oh~ that to day youwould hear his voice! - 2. The door 1 of heaven are thrown open .Jo .thee,. thi! everlafting gates are jtt wide for ,thee, and an abun– dant entrance into tbe kingdom of heaven admini– {tred to the~• . Chrift now befpeak;s thee, (as fhe her husband,) Arife, and take pof[effion, I Kin~. 2r, 1r-.. · View the glory of the other world, a·s fet fo1ih in-the map of the Gofpel. Get thee up in- · to Pi[gah of the promifes~ and life up thine eyes lNe.fiward, northward, fouthward, and eaftward, and fee· the good land th_atjs beyond 'Jordan, and that goodly mountain. Behold the ·, Paradife ·.of God, vvatere:i with the fireams of glory. . Arife; a :::d wa!k through the land, in the lengthofit, aud in the breaJt::hofit; fqr all the landwfuich thou feeJr, the Lord ·-will gi\'e it to thee for e·rer) if thou wilt – but retBrn, Gen. 13 . I.'f. , 1 5', I 7. let mefay to thee, as .Pa:ul toAgrippa, Beli~J'~eft thou tbe prop~et.s ?.If thou believeft indee{), do but view .what glorious things are fp:lken of t he city_ of God, Pfal. 87,., 3. and knnw,.. that all this is here tendred m the na1ne.of God to.,thee : As_yerily a£ God is .true, it iliatl. . b~ · fot·