Alleine - BV4920 A44

The lv ... eceffltj/of c'· ., . ·and I will never .go to fhake thy confidence.: 2.. God detbwithabhorrence rejebi tbis hope., Thofe condemned: in the Prophet, w·ent on in their fins, yet (faith the text) they will lean upon the Lord' Mic. 3· r r. God will not endure to be m.ade a prop to men in their fins : The Lord rejeCted thofe pre– fumptuous finners, that went on !l:ill in their tref– patfes, andyet would flay themfelves upon theGod ofIfrael, IJ!-· 48. r, 1. as a manwould ihake offthe briars (asone faid well) that cleaves to hisgannent. 3· If thy hope be any tbing worth, it wjll purtfle thee from tby fins, r Joh. 3· 3· but curfed ts that hop~, · which doth cheriOrmen in their fins. , Objeit. Would you have us to defpair ? Anfw. Yol:lntuft defpair of ever coming to hea· ven as you ~fe, Act. 1.. 37. that is, while you remain ,, unconverted. You muft defpair ever to fee the face of God., '\vithout holinefs ; but you mufi by ,· no mean-3 defpair of finding mercy, upon your through repentanc;e and converfion; neither n1ay ". ·· you defpair <?£attaining to repentance and conver-. .. .,,. .. fion, in the ufe of God,s means, V. Witbout this, all that Cbrift bath dons and fuffi·r-~ :·. ed will be (as toyou) in "l..'ttin, Joh. 13. 8. Tit. 2. 14.. .. That is, itwill noway avail to your falvation. Ma- . . ny urge this· as a fufficient ground for their ·hopes, .that .t;,hrift oied for .· fipners : But I muft tell you, Chfift never died to fuve·impenitent and uncon– verted {inners ( fo con~inuing) 2 Tim. z. I 9, A great Divine vraswont, in his private dealings ~rith. fouls, to ask two Que!hons; r. vV.hat b.ath Chrift done for you? :z.. '\Vhat hath Chrift wrqught in you? 'Yithout the application of the Spirit in regenera– tion,· we can have no faving intereft in the benefits of redernprion. I tell you fron1 .the Lord, Chrift' hu~nfelf can~1ot f::tve you, if you go on in this effate. I. nwerr; again[l ~~~is truft. The ~1ediator is theSeres ~.vant., ~--~~ ~