Alleine - BV4920 A44

. / . · ~ The Neceffity of·Cottverflon. vantof the Father, I fa. 4t. r .. fhews his comn1iffion from hin1, aets in his name, and pleads his comn1and for his j~l!hfication, J,ob•. 10. r8, 36. and 6. 38~ 4 o• And GodhathcommittedaU things tohim, entruil.. . e~ his own glory, and:the falv~.tion of t~e ~lecc with htm, Mattb. 1 r. 27. ffob. 17. :z,. Accordtngly\ Chrifl: gives his Father an account of both parts of hiS truft, before he leaves the world~ ~ob:.r7. 4, 6, r2. Nbw ChriH ffiould quite crofs his Father's glory, his great• eH truft, if he ihould fave men in their fins; for this . were to overturn all his counfels, and to offer vio· lence to all his attributes. · Firft, T~ ov.erturn all his coun(els :· Qf which, this is the.order,. that men fhould ·be brought through fanttification, to faJvation, 2. Tbef. z.. r 3. He hath chofen them, that they fhould be holy, Ephe[. 1. -4· :rher arc elected to pardon and life through fantti ... ficatton, r Pet. I. z.-. If thou canft repeal the lawof · Gad's itnmutable counfel~ or~· corrupt him wh0a1 the Father hath fealed, to go direCtly againft his commifu'on, then, and not otherwife, mayefi thou g~e to heaven in thiscondition. To hope that Chrift will fave thee \vhile unconverted, is to · that Chrifi:·will falfifie his truft. Henever did, nor wili (ave one foul, but whom the F-ather hath given him– inelection, and drawn to him in effetl:ual calling, gob. 6. 34.} 37· Be afiured, Chrifi will fave none in away contrary to his Father's ·will, 5~rJb. 6. 3s·. Secondly, T'o offer vio!.enceto all hi~ attributes. r. Tb bit. juftice: F0r the r :ghteoufnefs of God's judgn1ent lies, . in rendring to all according to their -works, ) ., 6. Now, fh-0uld m.en if:YN to the fldh, andsetof the fpirit reap everlaft:inglife, Gal . G. 7, s. tvhere \~ere. th<! glory of divine Juil:ice, finci it mould be given to the v;icked according to t h.~ ~.vork of the righteous? 2. To bif bolinefs. !f Go.d ilQuld· n-ot · o~nly fave firmer.s, bllt fAve.thern1n their ,, ~:; fins,