Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

The Contents. CHAP. V. page zo$ Of Ceremonies in Gods worfhip. The tife of them. 4 Cautions to be obferved about them. Themeans of preferving Gods wdrfhip. TheAgnes. Addition 07. Concerning Cuffoms andTraditionrof the Church. The 6 Rules of rattling others tokeep this Corm. mandment. CHAP. VI. Pagezro Of themanner of outwardworfhip, noreverence norworfhip to be performed to Images. a. The diflinElion of 2oem. and Tó2n.examined. 2. That evafion, that not the I- mage, but God by the Image is worfhipped, taken away. 3. That theyare Lay-mens Books, examined. 4. That Images are to put us in mindof theSaints, examined. Addi- tion 20. About Images and PiEturesfor memories fake. CHAP. VII. Pagczi4 The affirmativepart ofthis Precept, concerning the manner ofoutwardworfhip. 3 Rea. foesfor outward bodily worfhip. Outward honour conlifls r In the fagne. z. In the all.. Of the fagne, by r 'Uncovering the Head. 2. By bowing the body. Of the aEPor deed. a. By beingat Gods Command. 2. Bydoinghis workor fervice. Of thegeflure ofReve- rence. r In publikeand privateprayer. 2. At hearing the Word. 3. At the Admini- firation of Sacraments. 4. At Difeipline. The fins againfi thefe. In publike worfhip muß be. a. Vniformity. 2. Fear. 3.7heheart mnfl be prefent. 4. Silence. 5. Conflan- tie, to tarry tillall be done. The meansof outwardworfhip. The films. CHAP. VIII. Pagczzs Of the fecondpart of this Precept. Thefan/iion or penalty. This is thefìrfl Command.. ment witha penalty. Reafausof it. the parts of thisfanítion. r. Gods ßile. z. ACom- mination. 3. Apromife. r Godsfile, by r. his power. z Hisjealouße. Row jealoufre is afcribed to God. Why humaneof e/ionsare afcribed toGod. CHAP. I X. Page zá4 Of the Comminatiou, wherein, r. The cenfure of the fin. 2. The punifhment. t . In the cenfure. Thefin, viz. ofIdolatry, iscaged, e. Hatredof God. HowGod can beha- ted. 2. Iniquity. The punifhment,vi,.tation upon the Children. Thegrievoufnefs ofthis pu- nifhmene,by, t. The greatnefs. 2. Themultiplicity. 3. The Continuance. Of Gods fu.. Ftice inpunifhing thefinsof the fathers upon the children. That itis not unjufl, in refpe5t of thefather, nor 2. of thefin. The ufe of all. CHAP. X. Pagezz8 The thirdpart of thefanaion, apromifeof mercy. Gods rewards proceed frommercy, which is thefountain of all our bappinefs. His mercy ispromifed to t onogenerations, the tbreatningsextends only to the third andfourth. The obje*of his mercy, flick as love him. Our love tang bemanifeßedby keeping his Commandments. How they muffbe kept. The benefit ; they will keep andpreferve tos. TheExpofitionof the third Commandment. CHAP. I. Page 23r The general fcepe of the third Commandment. Ofglorifying the Name of God by praife. Themanner bow it mull be done. Several motives to firmen up to the duty. CHAP. I I. Page 234 What is meant by Gods Name. Theufe of Names. s To diffinguifh. z. To diónifie Gods Name in refpell of hisEfence, Attributes, andWorks, andhow they are to be reverenced, What it is to take his Name, asglorious asnecefary.Glorifying his Name inwardly, oser. wardlyby confefng, defending it, remembring it, honourable mention of it threefold, it mull be..7o&powim often, sour,., well fpoken of, age., venerable. Applied toour own sltzonj by prayer, and to others by bleffing, &c. Ofglorifying it in our !ryes. What it is ro take Gods Name in vain, in retinaof e , the end, z. agent, 3, the work, CHAP. III. Page z34 Of taking Gods Name by an Oath. The sautesandgrounds of an Oath. The parts of it, Contention, Execration How God is glorified by an Oath. I-Vhat is here Commanded. a. To(wear. In what cafes. For Gods Glory. -fans necefty. For the Publick óood.. The Oath Ex Officio whether lawful or no. Ofprivate andvoluntary Oaths. z. Toflorae gy