Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm.7. potukeof ether wens fins ? 13! In the handling, of which I íhall endeavour co thew you, I. How a man way be guilty of other mens fias, or howmany trait,: a manmay be fail to partake of other mens fins. 2. Why a Chrtflian muff be careful ,sot to partake of other rreens fins. 3. To apply it. I. How a man may be faid topartake ofother mens fins To this I an- liver, There are many waits whereby we contra9 the guilt. of others fins : Lard, faies David, who knows how oft be offends? I will name fore of them. There are eight svaies efpecially noted in Scripture, by all which a man is made parraker, and becomes guilty of the fins of others. I. By contravance,by plotting and contrivingof fin, by provokingand foliciting others to fin ; and this is in an high degree to be guilty or other miens fins. Thus Yonadab was guilty of Ammons Incefi by his fubtle contriving of that vvtckednefs, by being a Pander to that Villany, 2 Sam.13.5. When a man hall wittingly and willingly fpread a fnare in his bro- thers way, and either drive him in by provocation, or decoy him in by allurement, he makes hirnfel£ a partaker of his provoke a man toPafíion, to tempt a petfon to Drunkennefs and uncleannefs, CO put a man upon Murder and bloud-fhed,todraw fouls into Errour, Herefie, Blafphemy, &c. this is toepode andadopt the fin, and to make is a mans own. You know the S-ory there, 2 Sam. I I. tlriab was Hain with the edge of the fword, David was many miles off when /trials was ílsin,he died in the battei, joab put him in the front, and theAmmonites flew him : but now becaufe Davidplotted and contrived all this, the Scri- pture tells us that Davidwas the Murderer, 2 Sam.I 2.9. Thou haft killedUriah theHittite with the froord, thou bait (lainhimwith the fword of the children of Ammon. Though the blade was the Ammonites, and the hilt might be faid tobe 7oabs: yet the hand was Davids, and the deed was Davids. The Amtlonites flewhim, but Davidmurdered S. Paul cells us, he was a bla4hemer, and a perfecutor, and injurious, I Tim.I.I 3. Why Beloved, we do nor read of any blafphemy that St.Pauluttered in all theBible : Ohbur, faies he, Icompelled the Saints to blafpheme, A61.z6.I I.Therewas his blafphemy in compelliigothers to blafpheme. Beloved, to incite and provoke any tofnfssl praïlices, to feduce and folicite any to loofe dofirincs and crronioss opinions, it is to be doubly S 2 guilty