Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

To the Deader. this his purpofe by a long and te.. dious /cknefs, and much wea1c nefs growing upon him, and at lafi by Death it felf; he finifhed onely thefe fix, which are now prefented to view; and autho. rized under his own hand for thofe which he allowed ofas his, .Exclufvely to any other befides: and committed them to our care alone for the management ofthe publifhing of them : which ac- cordinglywe have endeavoured to do with all fidelity. TheBook is not unfitly ftyled (and that by the .fluthour himfelf) a Chain of Principles. For fuch is the natureof theTruths pro- pounded in it; as in order to other Points of Divinity, which are