Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

1 Chain of Principles. 67 nefs. And that of feltdeniall, which Exerc. tP taketh hint off from confidence in his own abilities ; whereas proud Nature challengeth a felir- fufficiency, and will hardly be content with lets. LafIly, Prongfes and tbreatnings beyond the line of humane motives and diffuafives,exhibiting to the Eons of men not temporal re- wards and punifhments onely, but the gift of eternal life and the vengeance of eternal fire : Things which not any of the moll knowing Law givers and Princes ofthis worlddid or couldhold forth till the onely wife God was pleated to reveal and urge them in the facred authentick records of Chriftia- nity. §. 4. NowChaimReligion pro- motes our guidance to the fruition we treat of theíè twoways, viz, by difco- vering God in Chrif}, and by uniting to him the former it performeth as Chriíbian, the latter as Religion. Firii as ChrifLian it difcovers God in Chriff, which other Religions do not. K z