Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

L. r5o eA Chain of Principles. Aph. Hon admirable art thou, O Lord, who pop r',ya'e% Love fe /l in one oncly perfeaion the e xcell entjo -* of V li! , J ray.. § 3. all perfectiorss, in fo excellent /ort, that none Pa-..'4 is able to comprehend it but thy 14! §. 5 There is yet behinde, a third kinde of knowledge far exceeding both the former. Aknowledge of God not proceeding from the light of Na- , ture alone as the firff loth ; nor of Scripture aloue,as the fecond;but from Ephe rz,. éffetual irradiations of the Spirit of wifdome and revelation accompanied with purging and cheering influences from the fame fpirit. Look as the Li- teral maketh anadditionoffurther dif- coveries to the natural ( which hath been fufficiently proved) So this Spie ritual knowledge of God fuperadds even to the Literal fundry particulars, not unworthy of our ferious confide ration, viz. Firff, Clearnefs of light. Since the Canonof Scripture was perfeaed, the things which the Holy Ghoff difco- vereth are no other for lubffance, but thole