Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

12 Chin o- f Principles. Aph. i, cups and concubines Bruck into a deadly trembling. Herod , when the peoplehad newly invefted him with a Godhead prefently ere it was well on, had it pulled over his ears and became a prey to worms. The rich man in our Saviours parable invited himfelf to a feaft of delicacy and talked ofprofperity laid up for many years ; but that very night was his Ibul required of him to pay the rec- koning. §. 7. Thefe things duelyweighed, I could not but be affected with that P. De as fe?v's gallant fpeech of a Chri ffian writer, If wjr,hour p. 8 5. the fruition of all the world lbere to befold, it uould not be fi much worth as the labour of ones opening his mouth onel to fay, Iwill not buy it : Yet wondered lets at it, when I remembred how much force Ala* jum, & even heathen Philofophers have dif- ad major se- ruts, quart ut darned to think of fcraping to them- :anciciumm felves anhappinefs out of the worlds me3 cot' orit. pP &net, epií1. dunghill how generoufly they have profeffed their living, above fuch ac- commodati-