Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

,fl Chain o Principles. 13 commodations as it affords. I am re- Exerc. t. ally greater ( could Seneca fay ) and born to far greater things then that I fhould become a llave to my out- ward man. For thereare fomehigher acquefts gloried in by more fublimed flefh and bloud , as much more con- ducing to bleffednefs I mean intel- letual accomplifhments of wifdome and learning. Yet, as when the enqui- ry was Where Mall w/dome befound and Job 28.13,14. where is the place of underflanding ? The depth Paid it is not in me, and the lea (aid it is not Zbith me ; So if the like quefti- on be put concerning Happinefs worldly wifdome it felf muff return the like anfwer, and fay It is not inme, by reafon of the folly, enmity, anxie- ty and infufficiency that attend it, fo as the Preacher might well deter- mine even of it, This is aio Vanity. Eccles 2.1%. 4. 8. I. Folly. The widorne ofthis I Cor. 3.19. Dodd is fooli/hnef with God. So the A- poftle , who (peaking elfewhere of thole who bore the name of molt C 3 know-