Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

44 4 Chain of Principles. Aph. t. the true Jofbua and Solomon fland up John 7.38. ftying 1, f any man thirri , let him come unto me and drink. He that beleeveth on me, as the fcripture hath,faid, out of his belly fhall flow rivers of living hater. But why did he then (peakofwaters ? Tre- .'ec. inl`c. melliws giveth this account ofthat out of theTalmud. The Jews, faith he,up- on that day u'fed with much folemrii- ty and joy to fetch water from the ri- ver Siloah to theTemple, wherebeing delivered to the Prief}s, it was by them poured upon the altar the people in the mean time fi.nging out of Ifaiah, If?,I 13 With joy»hall ye draw mater out of the yells of Jalvation.. Our Saviour therefore to take them off from this needlefs, ifnot fuperfritious prafife telleth them of other and better waters , which they were to have of him according to what he had elfewhere laidby the mi- niftery of the fame Prophet in thefe I& moff emphatical words , Ho every one that thirtieth come ye to the waters ; and he that bath no money, come ye, buy and eati yet: