Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

56 il Chain of Principles. Aph. t. ever fo rich an heir, as the soul ofman,' fhould run away with fo fervile a thing as money is, or give the leaf content to a match fo far below her birth and breeding ! §. 8. Let authority be added to wealth, and great honours to great re- venues, yet will the produó of both furns be not foul-fatisfation and blef9 fednefs but vanity and vexation of fpirit. How often is the fword put in, to madmens hands the bramble adp vanced to rule over better trees and walls ofmud fhinedupon while mar- ble pillars frand in fhade ? How often do goats clamber up the mountains gnidtatem o to acl preferments of whilefl the poor fheep dignitatem fi per Indiana non Senec. of Chriff feed below ? yea how often ducit. Natural.quæfl. is greatnefs acquired by bale, and con. in Præfat.. lib. _. founded by weak means ? Flattery fimia.Claa held Abfolons flirrup. tabs famia.cba_ He that is every vitae patios; et ones mailer now was a while fnce pro æterni , am- b;tio pro tcrre- nie. Didac. at every ones fervice. Well might Stel- Stella de Con- la call Ambition, Charities ape; for italfo temptu mundi part.x. pag.88. beleeveth all things, hopeth all things, yea