Arrowsmith - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .A776 1659

j;Chain of Principles. 57 yea and bea.reth all things too till what Exerc. it hoped for be attained then grows intolerable it fell. It may further be obferved that God wíually taketh a courfe. to break the fl aft offilch pride by confounding the power ofworldly Potentates,not withLions andTigres, but as Pharaohs of old, by frogs and lice. The Apoftle 1 remember faithAn idol is nothing, and yet the filverfrniths criedout, Great is Diana ofthe Ephefìans. Diana then was a great nothing. Such are thole men of place idolized by common people, when the Lord be- gins to blow upon them in his wrath, like thole nobles of Idurnea concerning whom Ifaiab laid, ,ill her Princes ¡hall Ira. be nothing. §. 9. Secondly as for thole faints' whole wings are {till fomewhat clog ;ed with the birdlime of this world, I Humbly defire them to confider, how ill it becomes the offspring of .heaven to go licking up the duft ofthis earth, thewomans feed to conterax it felfwith I the