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68 Inparticular practices thefaithfull mayfade. Inparticularpra- Eticesthe faithful mayfaite. , Sam.a;,.r Pfa1at6.rr. Matthz6y72, 74 Heb.i ' 5. § 7. Theoi,edience of faith u uniforme, entire, andco, fiant. 1 a fettledrefolution to follow theLord at all times, and in all things, notwithflanding all oppofition. In particularpraaices the faithfbll foule maybe ignorant of fome things, and weake in the application of others. David in a patlion may thinke Samuel bath deceived him ; and 'Peter furprifedwith bodily feare may deny his Mafler: but the conflant umperofthe Beleeveris muchbetter; and ifby fume unexpected occafion hebe unfettled, he is never quiet, untili hisformer refolution be confirmed, and put in pra6uice. For having weighed and pondered allthings inan even balance, bee isatfuredly perfvaded, that no outward eviil can come incomparifon withGods anger, noearthly good is tobe matched withGods favour, that tranfitorie delights are deare bought, ifa man endanger his foule to compaffe them ; that the fufferings of this liftarenot wor- thy to be compared with theglorie that (hall be revealed : and therefore it is infinitely better to cleave unto God, though in reproaches, bands, imprifonment, or death, than to enjey thepleafures offin fora feafon. §. 7. And fèeing faith kindly rooted Both fpread it fèlfe toeverie branch of divine truth, cleavinginfeparably to the whole, and with clofeft repofè of heart, to that which is moll excellent and ofgreaten importance, the obedience which faith produceth, and the works which it anima- teth,muflbee entire, uniforme,andconfiant, Entire, not in degree, but in thebranches ofobedience. Maimed obedi- enceto fumeduties of theLaw,loppingoff other branches, which accordnot with our Elate, humour and difpofition, or groffelyneglecting them, though no leffecommanded, is an argument ofan unfound and imperfect root whence it fpringeth. The praelice of Tomeone or few Chriflian du- ties, joyned with the extreme negie61 of others no leffe excellent and neceffarie, is no token of faith, but a firong prefumption that what good is done, proceedeth from in- dulgence to corruption. For if wee give our felves to the profècution of fòmegood works, becaufe wee receive and embrace the Word which commandeth them, then alai] we MM.