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obedience of"Faith is uniforme, entire, &c. 69 wee give our felves to the performance of everie good' worke, which the fame Word doth call for at our hands : Ifwe doe thisor that good worke commanded, becaufe it is finable to our difpofition, pafsing overothers that bee croffe thereunto, wee obey not the Lord, but pleafe our (elves. The Word ofGod doth worke effeEtually as it is em- braced, and theconfiderationof what Chrifl bath, done for us, will bring forth inus the fame mind that was in him, a mindtodoe hisFathers will in everiepoint alike fincerely; but with greater intentions, fervour and chearefulneffe, as the weightinefi'e of the dutie, or opportunitie and feafon (hall require. For truefaith affentethtoeverie divine truth, as certaine and infallible, cleaved] to .everie promifeand commandement alikefincerelyand unfainedly,flicketh fa- fief} to them thatbeeofgreate(I worth and necefsitie, or upon fpeciall occafion may mofl tend to the glorieofGod, thecomfort of thefoule, andgoodofour brethren; andIb teacheth the affe&ions to rife and fall, (well and affwage, whether in admiration or dete(lation, in embracingor loa- thing, and to put themfelves forth inpraSlice, according to thedifferent excellencie or indignitie, goodneffe or vile- neffeofobjeasprefented to them. It teachethus abfolutely and entirely to fubmit our witsunto Gods will; to affee'c whatfoever heapproves,to hatewhatfoever bee difallowes; to lovethatbefl,whichhis Word affureth us tobe moll ex- cellent and deare tohim, and todete(I that moll, which is mofi odious and abominable in his fight, though orherwife pleafant to our naturali difpofition, or not fo diflailefuIl as manyother, matterswouldbe,didwe rake care for the fle(h to fulfill the lulls thereof. Indeed the faithfull foule may find it fin more prone to one finne than another, andmore dull to force gooddu- ties than other, byreafon of naturals inclination, flare of life, cu(lome, or forceother occafion : but, if right compa- rifonbee made, faith enciteth tohateall finne,and to afrè5 all dutiesof holinefí'e, one as well as another. Aman fick F 3 of