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jerem.3s:3;. Efay s6.9.and 33.22. §. 3. Faith in gods fpeciallmercie framethbit imose inthéheart. Faith in Godframethhit image in the heart. really it is included. For tobeleeve in God, is to depend uponhis mercie reaching to the pardon ofouroffences : To beleeve inChrifi, is to relye uponhim asthe Author of re- demption,reconciliation,and peacewith God : which doth neceflarily imply the fpeciall mercie of God. And in the Creedwee beleeve the remiflìonof fins, whicharticle can- not bee explained according tothe doarineof the Gofpel, without beleefe in the fpeciall mercie of God, and confi- dence thereon. Theconclufion is, TheWordofGod is the general! objectofjuflifying faith ; the fpeciall promifes of mercie and forgiveneffein Chrifl Jefus, is the fpeciall object offaith, as itju(tifieth. §. 3. This beleefe in the rich mercie ofGod frameth the imageofGod inour hearts, and imprinteththe vertues of Chrifls death upon the foule, as by application the fèale doth fet its ltamp uponthewax. A man cannot walk in the Sun,buthe mull beare its hue : nomore can bee beleeve in the graceand mercieof God,to the pardonofhis offences, buthemutt beare the imageof Gods mercie upon his foule. And fofaith in Chrifl doth encite to the uniforme ftudions praiiceof piede towards God, whoof hisgracious, free, undeferved loveand mercie, is pleafed to repute Beleevers as hisFons by adoption, and compafre themwith his fa- vours ; and of mercie , kindneffe , long-fuffering , forbea- rance, forgiveneffe towards men,lookingtoGodfor itspat- terne, whom it mull and ought to follow. The Beleever cannot put on Chrill as a Ju(lifier, butFiee mutt put on the bowels ofmercies, kindnefl'e, humblenefl'eofmind, meek- neffe, long-fuffering,forbearance,&c. and the cloferhe put_ tethon Chrift unto righteoufneffe,,themore quick and ope- rativebe thefe graces of the Spirit,andmore lively the ope- rations themfelvesthat iflae from them, as quickened and animatedby thatfaith. CHAP.