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ThebenefitsandeffeCis ofFaith. 13r in other paffàges of holy Scripture. Againe, Love and Matth.r.zz. Faith maybe put for faithfull, firme, and I}edfaP love ; the Iike whereunto wee may often find. But by thiswreíing of theplace , our Adverfaries are driven, not onely tobe- leeve in theCatholike Church, but alto in every feverall member ofthe Catholike Church. For feeing the Apo- file commendeth `Philemon for his love towards every Saint thatcameuntohim; it followeth , thatif (as they fay) he commendeth faith towards theSaints , hee com- mendeth it towardsevery man a part : and fo every Chri- f'tian is tobeleevein other : which5our Adverfaries will not affirme. CHAP. X: Ofthe Ef feus, Subfelt andDegrees o f3saffi- fyingFaith. §. i . AirAny andexcellent are thefruits andeffe&s 1.Vjoffaith, for which calk it path Beene a- §.r, Thebenefivand domed with many fingular titlesof honour. It is called thegift ofgifts , the foule ofour foule , theroot ofanho. neít life, the chara1er of the fonnes of God, the key whereby the treafures which are in Chriaare openedun- tous , the mother of found joy , and nnrfe ofagood con- fcience , the handwhereby we apprehend Chriff , theeye whereby wee fee the invifible things of God,the mouth whereby wee receive the food of falvation , the pledge of our eternall inheritance , the earne('t of our peace with lleaseff""h' God, the Peale of our ele&ion, theladderwhereby wee certainely and fafely afcend up to Heaven, the fhield of a faithfull foule, the fvord whereby wee beat and wound our enemies, the token of our union in Chrif} , our viótory , and the band whereby wee are united un- to thechiefe good. The fruits of faith are divided into twoHeads; Internall and Externall, which theSchoole- men call Elicite and Imperare. But to fpeake of them K 2 orderly