Ball - BT770 B3 1637

Áff artce 1.i/till bewell- rooted. 35 the wayof life, and the faithful! praaiceof filch duties as God prefcribes for the attaining ofthat end. Faith that is fincerein qualitie, isever found in degree, beingofllrength tomake refiflance againfl all oppofition that (hall encoun- ter it, having taken the heart for its Fort and defenced Tower. Againe, Faith being oncefet in the heart, as inits throneand feat of Majeflie, doth everie day-confirme and firengthen it felfe more and more, whereby the ßeleever groves more refolute to%vithftand all affaultsand tempta- tions (hot againfi him. The faith that takes kindly, fpreads it felfe by aWent andelofeadherence toeverie object with- in the fpheare ofdivineTruth, towhich it cleaveth invin- cibly, and from which it cannot bee feparated by any ad- verfepower, or carnali allurement, naturallpafsion,orfierie affault. The temporariebeleever acknowledgeth the fummeof Chriftian duties orpraó ices, and fubfcribes unto them in grofï'e, yea unto moll particulars; but ever with limitati- on, fubdu&tingas much aswell pleating humours difallow, untill heefinallydiffolve whattrue faithbuildeth, evenun- to the firfl: foundation, if the oppofition of carnali feares, hopes, love, or hate come once to bee eager and direét. And this comes to paille, becaufe the Word was never rightly planted in an honeft heart : Tor as the tree that is not let deep to take lively rooting, doth in fuccefl'e of time wither, though for many yeares it may bring forth both leaves, buds, andfruit; fo it is with the temporarie beleever, becaufe the Word is not well hid and rooted in him. 3. As faith isa found, fo is it an over-ruling affiance, exercifing an Univerfall mild foveraigntie in Man. Faith ordinarily ruleth where it dwelleth : but the regiment is mild andgentle, not rigorous and tyrannical!. Foritfea- fonethour inbredaffeótions, altereth the tafle ofeverieap- petite, qualifiethand flrengthenethour natural! inclinati- onto that which is good, and powerfully perfwadeth to deny-our felves and follow the Lord. Ithatheverie defre D 2 at 3. Over.rulin3.