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Juffifying Faith cannot be without Love. 45 ducedare the more excellent. Yea, as the exercifeof out- ward members increafeth internall vigour and ilrength, and refreíheth the fpirits by which wee move ; fo doth the exercife of grace andvenue rightly imployed perfect faith, not imparting the perfedion of works unto it, but (Erringup, exerciling, and intend ing itsovine vigour and perfection. Senfe andmotionis theeffea, not thecaule of life in the body ; but yet the body without rhetn is dead, andperfededby them. Works are the effects, not the life offaith ; but faithwithout works isdead, and byworks it is perfected. §. 3. There is a fained and dead faith ; a faith whereby the Devils are Paid tobeleeve, and fuch whole hearts are not upright : a faith which ref eth barely in the under- (landing, or which fleightly affe6leth the heart, but is not rooted, beares not foveraigntie; a faith fizbordinate to vaineglorie, or covetousdelires, which the world deflroy- eth: and this faith, as it is inefeduall to fèafon the affe- lions thorowout, and incite to the fincere unifórme ads of love, fo it is unavaileable to Juflification. There is a faith unfained, well- rooted, foveraigne, whereby wee be- leeve to righteoufneffe, by which theheart is purified, and dwelleth in res : which is the vittorie, whereby wee overcome theworld : and this faith worlkethby love, and cannot but worke. Hee that beleeveth in this fort loveth freely, and cannot but love, not through defect of libertie, but through the natureof faith, exciting the beleever to will to love, not to loveifhee will. Faith and love confi- dered, ashabits of therenewed foule, and branches of in= herent holineffe, have their originali from the Spirit of re- generation, and beediflind graces infufed together. The deeds of charitie are the proper ads or exercifes of the graceof charitie, from which they 'Ale, as branches from the flock, and fruit from the tree : not can wee properly fay, that fuck works flow from faith, as the fruit loth from the root; teeing charitie is nobranch offaith, but a diflind grace cf the renewing Spirit, which beareth its proper § 3'. Jam.s.2o. JSIll.2 19. As 8.21. Luk.8 Tim 1.5. Ads 15.9. cat.,._o. z Soh.;. q. yuFfifyiagfaith cannot iewithout love. `Par de ju#f. liG.r. cap. x4.