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Juffifying Faith cannot be without Love. 47 the heart, with the ferions confederation, and fweettafleeof Gods mercie and favour,butfaith onely. Innaturewee fee nothing can move indeíre to this or that, till firßc it bath apprehended it lovely; and it cannot but move, when it bath foundly tailed of itsgoodneffe : Soour affe&ions can- not in love move to, and unite themfelveswithGod, till by faith weknowhim tobe an amiable objet for us finners to embrace ; andwhenwehave foundly and truly tailed haw goodand gracious the Lord is, wee cannot but love and af- feáhimentirely. Faith is an obfequious and affiancedac- knowledgement of the truth ofGods promifes : but bee that doth after that manner acknowledge the truthofGod in Chrifl, is both inwardly afFe& &ed towards God, andde- frous to put forth thefame in all duties of holineffe and righteoufneffe. The doctrineofgrace; which6ringethfal- nation, teacheth ua to deny aingodlinefJe and worldly larfls, and to livegodly, juflly, andfoberly in this prefent world: which being embracedby faith, doth leaveneveriefacultie, and feafen it in fuch fort, as the feverall affe5tions will rea- dilymove at thecommandof faith. When theApofIe feparatesfaith and love,faying, If had allfaith,fo that Icosld remove mountaines, and had not love, itprofateth meenothing: bee fpeakes ofthat per- fwafion and confidence in the extraordinarie promifes of God,whereby the parties endued therewith, were enabled todoe miracles. And theword, All, notethmanifeflly the higheff: degreeof doing miracles. That whereas fóme had faith to doe fome miracles, and not other fome : the, A- poflle fheweth, that if hee had fuch a miraculous faith, that hecould doe albmiracles,and have not love,itwere no- thing. This is cleare, in that the Apoflle reckoneth faith miraculous amongfl the gifts of the Spirit, in the prece- dent Chapter : and by the example or inftance of moving mountaines, which our Saviour noteth as a mailer-miracle amongfl others. He faith, IfIhad All knowledge, not un- der>landing it limply and abfolutely, ofall kindsof know- ledge, but of the gift of knowledge : and foby, cr./// faith, hee Mug 2.II,12. Popiß, objeiions prevented. I Coro3.2. Mar. de Pill: lib I Ahem . 4anot. in [ Cor. I? .2. I Cnr.iz.9. r Cor.13.2. Mar,th.I7 .20. Luk.Iq6. I Cor.I3 .2. Teller. de74flif. lib I..cap. Ii. Sea. Deinrle.