Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

A Funeral-Sermon on with more Zeal and Fervency cor- refpondent to the infinite Moment of his requefis; nor with more Fi- lial Affiance in the Divine Mercy. In his Sermons there was a rare Union ofArguments and Mo- tives to convince the Mind and gain the Heart : All the Fountains of Reafon and Perfwafion were open to his difcerningEye. There was no refining the Force of his Difcourfes without denying Rea- ton and Divine Revelation. He had a marvellous Felicity andCo- pioufnefs in fpeaking. There was a noble Negligence in his, Stile : for his great Mind could not floop to the affeáed Eloquence of Words : 'he defpis'd hilly Ora- t^ry but his Exprehions were clear and powerful, fo cpnvincitg the Underflanding, fo entring in- to the Soul, fo engaging the Af- fedions, that thofe were as deaf as Adders, who were not charna'c! ly