Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

96 A Funeral Sermon on ley was the principal manager of theConference among theBithops, and Mr. Baxter among the nifíers : and one particular I can not forget ; it was defir'd by the Minifoers, that the Bithops íhould exercife their Church Power with the counfel and confent of Pref. byters. This limiting of their Authority was fo difpleafng, that Dr. Co/ins, then elea of Durham, fail, If your Majefty grants this you will Unbifhop your Bithops. Dr. Reynolds upon this produced the Book, cntituled, The Portrai- tiure of his Sacred Maje/ly in his Solitude andSufferings, and read the following Paíf ge : Not that I am againfl the managing of this Prefdency and Authority in One Man by the joint Counfel and Con- fent of many Presbyters : 1 have offer'd to redore that, as afit means to avoid thole Errors, Corruptions and Partialities, which are incident to LL l