Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

Mr. Richard Baxter. i 27 flianity ferves for ? He faid, The Confderation of the Deity in his Glory and GreatnefS was too high for our Thoughts ; but the Confide- ration of the Son ofGod in our Na- ture, and of the Saints in Heaven, whom he kne:v and loved, didmuch fweeten and familiarize Heaven to him. The defcription of Heaven in the II. to theHeb. and the zz. was ir1oa comfortable to him That he was going to the innumera- ble company of Angels, and to the general ,1fembly and Church of the full-born, whole Names are written in Heaven; and to God the judge of all, and to the f jpirits ofjufl men made perfeli ; And to yefùs the Mediator of the newCovenant, and to the Mood of fprinkling that [peaks setter things than the blood of Abel. That Scripture, he Paid, deferved a thoufand thoufand thoughts: He faid, 0 how comfor- table is that promife, Eye has not Peen,