Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

The Soveraign and Final Hap- pinefs of Man, with the effectual Means to obtain it. InO&avo. The Four Lafl Things, Death and Judgment, Heaven andHell, pra- dically confdered and applied,. in feveral Difcourfes. InOtavo, and Duodecimo. The Danger of Profperrity difco- vered, in feveral Sermons, upon Prov. I. 17. InOtavo. The great Duty of Refgnation in :times of Afflidion, &c. In Oc- tavo. 4 Funeral Sermon preached up- on the Death of the Reverend and Excellent Divine , Dr. Thomas Manton, who deceafed October i 8, 1 677. To which is added, the lafl ublick Sermon Dr. Mantonpreach fd In Octavo. The