Bates - BX5207 B3 B2 1692

8S A Funeral-Sermon on long, .till the la-rrguiihing Stateof the Kingdom, was almofl defpe- rate and incurable. How far he was concern'd as a Chaplain in the Parliament's Army, he has publifht an Account, and the rea- fons of it. After the War, he was fixt at Aeclerminfler. There his Miniflry by the Divine Influence, was of admirable Efficacy. The Harveft anfwer'd the Seed that was fow- ed. Before his coming, the Place was like a Piece of dry and bar- ren Earth, onely Ignorance and Profaneness as Natives of the Soil were rifè among them ; but by the Bleflìng of Heaven upon his Labour and Cultivating,,the Face of Paradise áppear'd there in all the Fruits of Righteoufnefs. Many were tranflated from theftateofpol- lutedNature, to the flare ofGrace; and many were advanc'd to higher degrees ofHolinefs. The badwere chang'd