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inQCOnttibing g9An'g lacbemption. it 0 t others from Fire; force fromOrder, others from Con- Chap. VI. füfion; Tome to be from Eternity, others in Time. If the Souls eye be fo weakned as not to fee that Eternal Power, which is fo apparent in its effe&s, much lets could it pierce into the Will, and free determinati- ons ofGod, of which there is not the leaft intimation or shadow inthe things that are made. This Wifdom comes from above, and was hidden from Ages, and Ge- Rom. X6.2 y. nerations. 'Tis called the ZLlyfiery ofChrifl; he is the Ephef. 3.4. Obje&, and Revealer of it : The Myffery of Faith, the i rim. 3.9. difcovery of which was by pure Revelation : The Myfer, of his Will, an inviolable Secret till he was Epher. i. g. pleated to make it known. Were the humane under- ftanding as clear as 'tis corrupt, yet it cannot by the ftrength of difcourfe arrive to the knowledge of it. Supernatural Revelationwasneceffary to difcover it to the Angels. The thoughts of Men are a fecret, into which the Creator alone bath right to enter, it being 2 Chr. 6.30. his prerogative to fearch the heart. The Angels con- je&ure only, from the difpolitions of Men, from out- ward circumftances, from the Images in the Fancy, and from material impreffions on the Blood and Spirits, what are the thoughtsof the Heart : and much lets can they dífçover the Counfel of God himfelf: The Apo- ftle tells us to Principalities and Powers in HeavenlyEphei 3. io places, by the Church the manifold Wifdom of God is made known. By the firft coming of Chrift, and the converlon-of the World, the depths of the Divine Wifdomwere opened, and there remains much undif- cover'd, which his fecond coming (,ball glorioufly make known. Before the firft they understood not the foundation, till the fecond not the perfe&ion of our recovery. Briefly, the spirit that fearches the myf$e- i Cor. 2. IQ, rious Counfels of God , is the alone Intelligencer of Heaven, that reveals them to the world. And the more