Bates - BT775 B274 1675

Ioz %¢ pantteupof tilt 2iítribuíez$ Chap. ..) nefs toacknowledge with this invaluable Mercy, t will be ufeful to reffea on the frate of the Heathen world, who are intirely ignorant of this Myftery. The Apofrle defcribes the cafe of the Gentiles in fuch terms as argue it to be extreamly dangerous, ifnot Ephef. 2.12. defperate. Their underflandings were darkened, being alienated from the life ofGod, through the ignorance that is in them. They were without Chrif, aliens from the Common-wealth of Ifrael, grangers from the Covenant of the Promife, without hope. They had no fenfe of their mitfèry, no expectation, nor defire of Mercy. Not only the barbarous and favage, but the polifht and civiliz'd Nations are called ú$sor, being without the knowledge of the true God, and of a Saviour. Phi- lofophy never made one Believer. And as the want of a Sovereign Remedy expofes a man that hath a mor- tal Difeafe to certain ruine; fo theEngle Ignorance of the Gofpel leaves men in a frate of Perdition. 'Tis true, wheretheFaculties are not capableor the Obje& is not revealed, God doth not impute the want of Knowledge as a crime. But Salvation is obtain'd only by the Covenant of Grace, which is founded in the Va. 53.11. Satisfaëtion of the Redeemer. And 'tis by the know- ledge of him that he,juoifi'es many. God would have a Tim. 2.4. all men faved by coming to the knowledgeof the Truths that is the Doctrine of the Gofpel, fo called in refpe t of its excellency, being the moft profitable that ever was reveal'd. The Infants of Believers are fav'd by fpecial Priviledge, for the merits of Chrifr,without any apprehenfionof him. But others who are come to the ufe of Reafon, are made partakers of Blefiednefs by 50h.,7.3. the Knowledge of God in Chrift. This is Life eternal, to know thee to be the only true God, and7eftos Chriff, whom thou haft Pent. The sun quickens fome crea- tures