Bates - BT775 B274 1675

6 pump of tjt thin 2ttrtbutm Chap. VI. beginning this of our hepp'inefslin of this,dand the perfection of it in the next life is built. Let us provoke our pelves by the example of the Angels who are not concern'd in this Redemption as man is, for they con- tinued in their fidelity to their Creator, and were always happy in his favour; and where there is no alienationbetween parties, reconcilement is unneceffa- ry; yet they are Students with us in the fame Book, and unite all their powers in the contemplation of Pet. I. IS. this myflery : they are reprefented flooping to pry ín- to thefe fecrets, to lignifie their delight in what they know, and their defire to advance in the knowledge of them. With what intention then lhould we fludy the Gofpel, who are the Subje t and end of it ? CHAP..