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inCoilttccbíng epan' UetrniptÉon. CHAP. VII. The ample Speculation of the Gofpel not fufficient with- on' t a real E, ref, and Cordial Acceptance. The Rea- fons why the Jews and Gentiles confpir'd in the con- tempt of it. How jufi it is to relign up the Under- ftanding to Revelation. Godknows his own Nature and Will, and cannot deceive ats. we mull believe the things that are clearly revealed, though we do not underhand the manner of their exiflence : Although theyare attended with feeming contradillions. No Article of Faith is really repugnant to Reafon. We nruí` diflinguifh between things incomprehenfible, and inconceivable. Between corrupt and right Rea- fon. How Reafon isfubfervient to Faith. Humility and Holinefs qualifie for the belief of the Gofpel myfleries. A naked beliefofSupernatural Truths is unprofitable for Salvation. An eyfellual Affent that prevails upon the Will, and renders the whole Man obfequious, is due to the quality ofthe Gofpel-Reve- lation. r H1 Pimple Speculation of this glorious Myflery will be of no profit without a real belief of it, and a cordial acceptance of Salvation, upon the terms-: which the Divine Wifdom prefcribes. TheGofpel re- quires the Obedienceof the Underftanding, and of the Will ; unlefs it obtains a full polëffìon ofthe Soul, there is no Paving efficacy derived from it. And fuch is the fublimity and purity of the Objell, that till Rea- fon is fan&ified, and fubdued, it cannot fincerely en- tertain it. I will therefore difiin&ly confider the op pofition which carnalReafon bath made a.gainft it, and . thew how juft it is, that the Humane Underftanding fhould I7 Ch. V1I. F